
The members of the HITS institute, whose interests cover a wide range of health topics, contribute to emlyon's research, teaching and transfer activities.

Aurélien BAILLON Professor level 1at emlyon business school

Aurélien BAILLON
Department of Quantitative Finance & Economics

Gaetan BAKALLI - Assistant Professor at emlyon business school and member of HITS

Department of Quantitative Finance & Economics

Rodreck DAVID Associate professor - emlyon

Rodreck DAVID
Department of Operations, Data & Artificial Intelligence

Julia Fleck membre associée de HITS institue, d'emlyon business school

École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne (associate member)

Yeming GONG Professor level 2 at emlyon business school

Yeming GONG
Department of Operations, Data & Artificial Intelligence

Lotta HARJU Assistant Professor at emlyon business school

Department of Law, Management & Social Sciences

Franck JAOTOMBO Associate Professor at emlyon business school

Department of Operations, Data & Artificial Intelligence

Izabela Jelovac, associate member of HITS institute, emlyon business school

CNRS & GATE Lyon/Saint-Etienne (associate member)

Ajay Kumar - membre de l’institut HITS

Department of Operations, Data & Artificial Intelligence

Benoit LOEILLET Associate Professor at emlyon business school

Department of Operations, Data & Artificial Intelligence

Shaily Malik - HITS institute, emlyon business school

Shaily MALIK
Academic Director of MSc Health Management & Data Intelligence

Agathe MORINIERE Assistant Professor - emlyon business school

Department of Accounting & Corporate Finance

Gordon SAYRE Assistant Professor - emlyon business school

Gordon SAYRE
Department of Law, Management & Social Sciences

Guy Vernet Independent Consultant (associate member)

Independent Consultant (associate member)

Bruno VERSAEVEL Professor level 1at emlyon business school

Department of Quantitative Finance & Economics (Head of HITS Institute)

Scientific Committee

Members of the Scientific Committee contribute to shaping the direction of the HITS institute by providing oversight and advice on the overall direction of the institute, and by offering feedback on the quality and impact of its activities:

  • Smisha Agarwal
    Associate Professor, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health & Director, Center for Global Digital Health Innovation, JHSPH
  • Han Bleichrodt
    Professor of Economics, University of Alicante & Nonresident Senior Fellow, Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics, University of Southern California
  • Laurent Boyer
    Professeur, CEReSS-Health Services Research & Quality of Life Center, Aix-Marseille University & Department of Public Health, AP-HM
  • John F P Bridges PhD
    Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics & Faculty Council President, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University - Wexner Medical Center
  • Nora Colton
    Professor of Leadership and Management for Healthcare, Director of the UCL Global Business School for Health
  • Stéphane Guerrier
    Professeur de Statistique et Science des Données, Faculté des Sciences & Geneva School of Economics and Management, Université de Genève
  • Lise Rochaix
    Professeure, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & Paris School of Economics, Directrice scientifique de la chaire Hospinnomics
  • Gilles Rode
    Professeur, Doyen de la Faculté de Médecine de Lyon-Est, Responsable du pôle de Rééducation et Réadaptation Fonctionnelles, Hospices Civils de Lyon
  • Xiaolan Xie
    Professeur, Center for Biomedical & Healthcare Engineering, CNRS UMR 6158 LIMOS, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne