Executive Short Programs

Disrupted futures

executive education

Acting in a disruptive environment

Lyon or Paris
28 hours
Price Excl. tax
2 400 €
French or English
CPF Eligibility


Complex, unstable, uncertain... There's no shortage of adjectives to describe the world we live in. For some, we are experiencing unprecedented crises (health, environmental, economic, etc.). For others, we're living in a time of metamorphosis and reinvention.
Today, the question of the sustainability of the political, social and economic models imagined at the dawn of the first industrial revolution is being posed to all organizations - companies, associations, etc. - in order to ensure that they can continue to meet the challenges of the future.
Perhaps today is also the time for them to reinvent themselves to help build a sustainable future that is “fertile”, wealth-creating, resilient and inclusive.

During this training course, you will discover the methods and tools that will enable you to understand, decide and act in a complex and constantly changing world.
You will also have the opportunity to apply your newly acquired knowledge and know-how to a client organization, which you will support in its exploration of possible futures.

Astrid LOI
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Astrid LOI
Astrid LOI
Program Advisor
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Rythm of the course:

Typical daily schedule: 9.30am - 1.00pm / 2.00pm - 5.30pm.
The course comprises 3 days of face-to-face teaching on the Lyon or Paris campuses and one day of distance learning.
Paris or Lyon campus and one day of distance learning

Key informations


  • 7 years' professional experience
  • Bac + 4 or equivalent. People without this level of qualification can have their qualifications validated


Innovation managers, marketing directors, senior product managers, strategic development managers, cross-functional project or program managers, digital strategy managers, consultants, anyone in charge of an innovation project.

Assesment process

The course will be assessed on the basis of 50% individual work and 50% group work. Group work will be assessed by the teachers and the customer.

  • Mastery of the methodology for making and proposing strategic and innovative decisions. 
    innovative decisions.
  • Marks >10/20
  • Each trainee receives an electronic version of his or her certificate of completion, indicating the validation of their training achievements. A paper version is available on request.


  • Mesocompetence 1: Assess the effects of the global economic environment and economic policy decisions on countries, industries and companies.
  • Mesocompetence 2: Assess an organisation's disrupted future environment and challenge strategic decisions or generate new strategic options.

  • Assessing an organisation's strategic needs and translating them into a proposal for future scenario planning.
  • Analyse an organisation's environment and recognise current and emerging disruptions (including macroeconomic disruptions).

  • Create relevant (given the organisation's strategic needs) and plausible disrupted future scenarios.
  • Design and lead a strategic conversation with an organisation's representative to address their strategic needs.

Objectives :

  • Teach you the key concepts of foresight, prospective scenarios and immersive experiences.
  • Enable you to lead a strategic conversation with the learning organisation to get it to question its business model in the light of possible futures.

Key points :

  • Live case studies to test and immediately apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the certificate course 
  • Discover the scenario method as an essential complement to strategy 

Program Director

Thomas GAUTHIER - Professeur et responsable pédagogique du cours Futurs Durables
Organisations are constantly faced with technological disruptions such as artificial intelligence, environmental disruptions such as extreme weather events, and social disruptions such as fake news. All these changes are also a source of unique opportunities for organisations that are able to anticipate them.
During this certificate, you will discover the methods and tools that will enable you to understand, decide and act in a complex and constantly changing world.
Professor - Strategy and Organization

Key figures

  • Net promoter score: 55
  • Participant satisfaction: 4.7/5
  • Success rate: 96% (February 2024 jury)
Content updated on 04/30/2024


Staff working on the program are qualified in accordance with the relevant regulations.

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Un enseignant en train de donner un cours à emlyon.
Executive Short Programs

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Disability initiative

You will find the welcome guide and all the information on how we welcome and support our students and participants with disabilities here