Co-create with emlyon

Performing, building, innovating, together

We co-construct tailored partnerships with companies that would like to build a multidimensional relationship and work more closely with an innovative ecosystem such as the emlyon business school ecosystem.

There are many strategic partnership approaches possible between your company and our school:

  • Be associated with a research chair;
  • Test new models or procedures;
  • Support an association's project;
  • Sponsor a program and sit on a scientific committee;
  • Be the focus of a consulting assignment and let our entrepreneurship DNA boost your projects.


Corporate partnerships

Recruitment & Employer Branding

  • Access to the Career Center job board
    Exclusive access to the emlyon Career Center platform by JobTeaser to post your internship and job offers, and to consult student profiles. Development of premium recruitment and employer branding services.
  • Benefit from recruitment and employer branding services
    Participation in annual recruitment events or student-company challenges, access to the alumni community, development of partnerships with student associations.
 Partners can integrate the school's pedagogy and benefit from a pedagogical solution.

Training & Pedagogy

  • Integrate our pedagogy
    Become sponsor of a program or pedagogical module, development of a pedagogical case, mobilization of students on one of your development projects, participation of your employees in a course.
  • Get closer to the world of professional sports
    Sponsorship of a high-level athlete in a program, access to a specific offer from the sports maker.
  • Benefit from an educational case study
    Access to the pedagogical offer of the maker's lab, organization of a shadow COMEX, co-construction of a tailor-made training project.
Partner companies benefit from emlyon's recruitment and employer branding services.

Strategy & Innovation

  • Partnering on a research project
    Co-creation of a research and/or teaching chair. Collaborate with our research centers and institutes on an innovation project or a challenge specific to your company.
  • Accessing our entrepreneurial ecosystem
    Sponsoring an accelerator program, participation in the selection jury and pitch review of the accelerator or incubator, guest lecturing within an accelerator or incubator program.
Partners can collaborate on a research program.

Development & ESE

  • Enhance your brand awareness and visibility on our campuses
    Naming of areas, sponsoring a flagship event of a program.
  • Commit to a social and environmental responsibility approach
    Engagement in an ESE (Environment, Social, and Governance) initiative of the School or co-creation of an impact project.
Partners can develop their strategy, visibility, and presence on the emlyon campus.

Take part in emlyon's new campus

A new hub in the heart of the city

This 'new generation' campus, a accessible and open third space in Lyon's Gerland district, is intricately connected to its environmental ecosystem, local, European, and international public authorities, and socio-economic sectors. It aims to create a unique and innovative environment for education and networking, designed as a vibrant space where learning is relational, hybrid, responsible, and connected. As a stakeholder in the socio-economic world, your contributions to this project are welcome.

Invent the partnership that's right for you

Would you like to build a system that brings together several of our services? We'll construct the partnership that meets your need.


Corporate Partnerships

Our main partners