
The emlyon business school incubator guides and supports projects for high growth-potential start-ups in the ideation and launch phases. Over the years, it led to the foundation and scale-up of a range of medtech and biotech companies. Examples of new ventures that benefited from the incubator's services and programmes include:

Le logo de l'incubateur - accélérateur d'emlyon business school
Pascale Hazot, PhD - CEO & Fondatrice, ACS Biotech (laureate of #TechForFuture 2024)

« emlyon supports us at every stage of development, providing guidance. It is our source of strategic inspiration to innovate in our business model and take on the wonderful challenge of entrepreneurship. »


The emlyon business school accelerator offers a range of short and intensive specialized programmes to enable a speedy, controlled transition from start-up to scale-up. It acts as an aggregator and disseminator of innovation, fostering shared value creation among the ecosystem's various stakeholders. Examples of companies in the healthcare domain that benefited from the accelerator's services include:

Antonia Machlouzarides-Shalit, PhD - Founder & CEO, NeuroPin (laureate of the Grand Prix i-Phd 2023)

« The interdisciplinary training and support offered by emlyon is a valuable and necessary asset for understanding, entering, and having an impact in the healthtech field.»

Partners & Clubs

emlyon business school is an associate member of the Lyonbiopôle competitiveness cluster, the catalyst for the health innovation ecosystem in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. For the entire emlyon business school community, this partnership strengthens all opportunities for interaction with industrial, academic, hospital and institutional players, serving a health hub that is among the most important in Europe.

bioMérieux is the official sponsor of the emlyon alumni Health Club

As a strategic partner for many years, bioMérieux is the official sponsor of the emlyon alumni Health Club and supports a range of activities at emlyon business school. Highly committed to education and social inclusion, bioMérieux provides scholarships to students who cannot afford higher education. Training initiatives are also implemented with Mérieux University, and it is present on campus every year at various recruitment events.

Le logo APICIL

Since 2015, a partnership of emlyon business school with APICIL has resulted in the creation of the Health & Well-being Center, a free space for reception, prevention, health promotion, and care for students and staff. APICIL experts lead awareness workshops for different audiences. They participate in master classes for Executive Education participants to benefit from their knowledge on mental health and on the well-being of employees.

Le logo de Shape-Med Lyon

emlyon business school is a partner of the SHAPE-Med@Lyon project, winner in 2022 of the ‘ExcellencES' call for projects of the ‘France 2030' initiative (a 5-year investment plan launched in 2021), which adopts a one health approach. It relies on the collective scientific strengths of the Lyon-Saint Etienne site to develop transformative research and training projects in the field of health and well-being.

ISPB Lyon logo

Since 2011, a partnership with the Institut des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques - Faculté de Pharmacie de Lyon 1 (ISPB) has enabled ISPB students who have completed their 4th yer to join emlyon Master in Management Program (Programe Grande Ecole). At the end of the curriculum, admitted students validate a double diploma, opening the way to careers as entrepreneurial pharmacists.

Le logo du club santé alumni d'emlyon

emlyon alumni Club Santé (alumni)
This club brings together emlyon business school alumni from the health sector to encourage the emergence of professional opportunities.

Le logo Healthcare Club d'emlyon business school

emlyon student Healthcare Club (students)
This club introduces students to the world of life sciences. It offers a place for discussion on healthcare activities and career opportunities.

Quentin Le Masne - PhD & ExecMBA Global Digital Health - Merck Group

« After I finished my Executive MBA at emlyon a few years ago, I wanted to continue this dialog with all stakeholders in the world of healthcare and orchestrate relationships between emlyon, the alumni network and the ecosystem of companies and healthcare institutions. This is the reason why I'm now in charge of the emlyon alumni Club Santé. With our team, we run masterclasses with experts in the field, conduct networking workshops in the companies focusing on healthcare and organize large events like conferences to nurture this strong link between emlyon, its almuni network and the healthcare world. »

Sevanna Oroudjian and Dan Vulcanescu

« The emlyon Student Healthcare club is the first student-led society at emlyon business school, empowering students by connecting them to key healthcare professionals. Introducing you to the world of life sciences! »

Sevanna Oroudjian, PharmD & Master in Management  student
Dan Vulcanescu PharmD & Master in Management  student

Sevanna Oroudjian

PharmD & Master in Management student (Programme Grande Ecole) President and co-founder

Dan Vulcanescu

PharmD & Master in Management student (Programme Grande Ecole)
Vice-President and co-founder