Graduate programs

The MSc in Healthcare Innovation & Data Science offered by emlyon business school is accessible after a Bachelor minimum (valid diplomas include bac +4 or bac +3). It enables foreign or French students to acquire a high-level, specialized education aimed at the main functions of digital health management.

Master of Science (MSc) in Health Management & Data Intelligence
Louisa Stüwe, MPA, MPH - Project Director, Digital Health Delegation, Ministry of Health, France

« Digital health and artificial intelligence are transforming how healthcare is delivered. The MSc Health Management & Data Intelligence prepares the future healthcare leaders to implement these changes. The course "Innovation and Public Health" provides both the students with concepts and tools, together with the possibility to apply new knowledge in concrete settings. »

The emlyon BioPharmacurriculum of the Master in Management ("Programme Grande Ecole") is a selective curriculum open to students with a first degree - bachelor's level or above - in biological sciences (microbiology, biochemistry, bioengineering, immunology, pharmacology, …) and are considering a career in the biotechnology sector or the pharmaceutical industry.

This is a 2 year curriculum:

1. In Year 1, in addition to the many academic options and activities offered by the MiM, the enrolled students have access to a “specialization” track of two courses (48 contact hours) on the economics of the biopharma industry, which is specific to the emlyon BioPharma curriculum.
2. In Year 2, they may opt for elective courses at emlyon business school or apply for a range of academic courses in partner institutions.

Two of these courses occur in the first semester, from September to December, in one of the following two programs:

Students who opt for one these routes return to emlyon business school for the second semester, and take part in a “professionalization track” of dedicated courses (96 contact hours), involving the contributions of scientists, executives and entrepreneurs from research centers, biotech ventures, pharmaceuticals companies and consulting firms.

Students enrolled in the BioPharma curriculum may also opt for a dual degree scheme by applying to the 12-month MSc Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management program offered by the UCL Global Business School for Health, the world's first business school dedicated to healthcare management. Successful students earn a Master's degree from each institution.

International direct applications are open to foreign candidates, and to French candidates with, or soon to have, a foreign degree equivalent to at least a Bachelor's degree.

 BioPharma track of the Master in Management, emlyon business school
Prof. Christine Delprat, Université Lyon 1
Christine Delprat, PhD, Professor of Immunology, Chair of LIVE Steering Committee and Academic Management Board, University Lyon 1

« The student exchange between the Master LIVE (Leading International Vaccinology Education) program and emlyon business school strengthens both academic institutions and enhances their respective contributions to Lyon's biopharmaceutical hub in the field of infectious diseases. »

Palle Høy Jakobsen, PhD & DMSc, Teaching Ass. Professor & Study Director, Copenhagen Business School

« We value building an educational collaboration with emlyon business school in order to strengthening the education of bioentrepreneurs. »

Palle Høy Jakobsen
Radi Haloub UCL
Radi Haloub, PhD, Deputy Director of Education, Associate Professor and Programme Leader for Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management, UCL Global Business School for Health

« The partnership between emlyon business school and Global Business School for Health (GBSH) represents a significant milestone, positioning both schools at the forefront of developing the new talent needed to address our most pressing healthcare challenges. »

Graphique MiM - Healthcare chez emlyon business school

The advisory boards

Two advisory boards provide oversight and advice on the overall direction of the emlyon BioPharma curriculum, from academic and industrial viewpoints:

Academic Advisory Board

Christine Delprat
Professor of Immunology, Head of the Erasmus+ Mundus Master LIVE (Leading International Vaccinology Education), University of Lyon 1

Radi Haloub
Associate Professor, Deputy Director of Education, UCL Global Business School for Health

Palle Høy Jakobsen
Study Director of the BioBusiness and Innovation Programme & Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School

Caroline Moyret-Lalle
Professor of Molecular Biology, Head of the Master Cancer, University of Lyon 1

James Mountford
Health Strategy Officer, Galileo Global Education & Editor in Chief, BMJ Leader

Corporate Advisory Board

Hervé Affagard (CEO, MaaT Pharma)
Delphine Guyon-Gellin (Chief Business Development Officer, Osivax)

Auriane Cano-Chancel (Vice President, Head of Oncology & Hematology France, AstraZeneca)
Elizabeth Sauzeat (R&D Site & Project Lead, Sanofi Vaccines)

Stéphane Dubreux (Vice President R&D Pharma Quality Control, bioMérieux)
Jean-Marc Durano (Senior Vice President, Eurofins Technologies)

Sarah Ankri (Partner, EY)
Rodolphe Besserve (Managing Partner, Arbevel Life Sciences Crossover Fund)

The Gerland district

The emlyon BioPharma curriculum benefits from interactions with a vibrant ecosystem.
The school's campus is located in the Gerland district, the epicentre of life sciences in Lyon, a hub of research, development and production for biotechnologies and pharmaceuticals.
It is host to: a range of biotech companies (MaaTPharma, Mablink bioscience, Osivax, …), large healthcare firms (bioMérieux, Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi Vaccines, …), contract research entities (ABL, Antineo, Anaquant, …), innovation and coordination entities (Bioaster, CLARA, Lyonbiopole, …), international organizations (IARC and WHO Academy), all located in the nearby.

CIRC - Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer - Lyon
International Agency for Research on Cancer – ©Kevin BUY

Executive programs

Laboratory instruments - Healthcare, emlyon

Open programs

Our open programs in healthcare include short courses and a certificate programme:

  • Clinical development management
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Market access

In-company programs

We offer tailored solutions to guide and support companies when they need to adapt and transform their organization. Recent in-company programs include:

Guillaume Bézier, Pharm D, Exec MBA & serial entrepreneur - Western Europe Partnership Director, Owkin - “Understanding complex biology through AI”

« Digital technology and artificial intelligence are transforming the way healthcare professionals carry out their work in the service of patients. For several years now, I have been working with emlyon business school to raise awareness among participants of ExecEd programs, and help them understand the impact and limits of these new tools. »

HCL - Hospices Civils de Lyon

The tailor-made Management of Innovative Projects program, developed in collaboration with the Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), and managed by Michel Coster, received the “coup de coeur” prize during the HR Innovation Prize ceremony of the French Hospital Federation (FHF), October 2, 2023 at the Cité Universitaire de Paris. This program was also distinguished during the annual "Victoires des Acteurs Publics" 2024 ceremony, which took place on February 7, 2024 at the National Assembly .