09 July 2024

New publication by Guy Vernet

Guy Vernet published a chapter entitled “Genomics of Infectious Diseases and Private Industry” (with Alex van Belkum) in: Tibayrenc, M. (ed.), 2024, Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases, (3rd edition), Elsevier.

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emlyon business school devient membre associé de Lyonbiopôle

07 July 2024

emlyon becomes associate member of Lyonbiopole

emlyon business school has become an associate member of the Lyonbiopôle competitiveness cluster, a catalyst in the healthcare innovation ecosystem in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

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01 July 2024

HITS institute at the EuHEA conference 2024

Izabela Jelovac and Bruno Versaevel participated in the 2024 European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) conference at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien).

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04 June 2024

Health at Work – a research workshop

The HITS institute supports the one-day workshop on the topic of 'health at work' organized by the BRiO group at emlyon -- Contact: Prof. Astrid Hopfensitz.

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L’Institut HITS accueille BioBAY et visite BIOASTER

3 June 2024

HITS institute welcomes BioBAY and visits BIOASTER

The HITS institute and a delegation from the biomedical industry cluster BioBAY/Suzhou Industrial Park (China), headed by Michael Yin (CEO) and Lijuan Gu (Manager), visited BIOASTER, the leading not-for-profit Scientific Cooperation Foundation dedicated to the study of microbiology and infectious diseases, to meet Xavier Morge (CEO), Alexandre Moulin (Deputy CEO) and Régis Villet (Head of Development & Strategic Partnerships).

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Nouvelle publication par Gordon Sayre

26 March 2024

New insights by Gordon Sayre

Gordon Sayre published online “Want a Healthier Workforce? Take a Look at Your Pay Strategy” (with Samantha Conroy) in California Management Review Insights.

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Le nouveau cursus emlyon BioPharma

21 May 2024

The new emlyon BioPharma curriculum

emlyon business school launches a BioPharma curriculum in the Master in Management (‘Grande Ecole') program, designed for students with a first degree (BSc or above) in life sciences (biochemistry, bioengineering, microbiology, immunology, pharmacy etc.) who are aiming for a career in biotechnology or the pharmaceutical industry.

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emlyon business school lance l’Institut HITS

21 May 2024

emlyon business school launches the HITS institute

As part of its “Resonances 2024-2028” strategic plan, emlyon business school is launching the Healthcare Innovation, Technology & Society (HITS) institute, thereby boosting its attractiveness in healthcare education with a view to becoming the benchmark business school in this key economic sector.

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