A responsible campus is also a place where everyone's wellbeing is a central focus. The agora of transformations will be a healthy learning and working environment, where everyone can thrive. 

The pursuit of wellbeing

The agora was designed to tailor users' health and well-being, with a strong focus on fundamental needs and critical factors for professional fulfillment: air quality, water consumption, light and brightness, physical activity opportunities, comfort, acoustics, food, psychological well-being... 

The agora, a smart building

To monitor and optimize its consumption, the building of the Lyon Gerland campus will be a “smart building”, with a R2S certification.  This will allow to provide continuous comfort, safety and environmental performance to the agora. The R2S label is built on the framework definition of a “connected, solidarity and human-oriented building” developed by the Smart Building Alliance and the Alliance HQE-GBC. It takes into account altogether the users-oriented aspects, and those relative to technical principles and to governance.

OsmoZ certification

The agora also aims at being OsmoZ certified, a quality-oriented standard regulating work environment. Its main ambitions are: 

  • Improving users' wellbeing, and the CSR performance of the School through its frame design, its interior design but also via its HR policy. 
  • Attracting talents and improving the School's performance while contributing to the great social challenges (public health, inclusion...). 

About the agora of transformations:

Located in Ecully since 1972, emlyon business school is moving back to the heart of city, in the Lyon Gerland district, and on a brand-new campus, the agora of transformations.

verview of the future campus of emlyon
The agora’s beating heart, central crossroads of the campus of emlyon