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Résultats 128 newsrooms

2023-2024 intake - Information

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5 Ways To Ace Your MBA Application

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QS ranks the Executive MBA of emlyon business school #24 worldwide

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The IMBA Product Design elective – when bright minds come up with bright ideas

The IMBA Product Design elective – when bright minds come up with bright ideas

Once again, emlyon receives the label BSIS for its contribution to the development and outreach of its territory

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Testimonials of Sebastien & Laurencia

executive MBA graduates

Executive MBA : Feedback from Participants Laurencia and Sebastien

Sebastien & Laurencia

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Q&A: My experience studying an international MBA in France

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IMBA students explore a business gateway to India

Luc Michalski - emlyon executive master graduate

Luc Michalski 

emlyon executive master graduate

Luc Michalski, Global Head of Servers, Blippar

emlyon business school allowed me to develop a true picture of the real economy

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Why should you train your employees?