How do we transform scientific experts into people leaders? Cerba Healthcare and emlyon business school teamed up to take on precisely that challenge. Since 2012, the Group's senior executives have had the opportunity to enroll in the BioManagers program and round out their scientific training with solid managerial skills. Read on to learn about a program that has evolved to stay current and that was recognized for its impact at the Merit Summit and Awards 2024.

BioManagers: a program designed to meet specific needs

Laboratory managers in France are required to have a science degree, such as a Master of Science in biology, chemistry or toxicology, for example. But standard degree courses do not usually involve management components, leaving professionals ill-prepared to cope with these types of challenges once they are in the workplace. Realizing this, Cerba Healthcare joined forces with emlyon business school to build a customized training program, and in 2012, the BioManagers curriculum was created with the aim of helping PhDs to become leaders! Consisting of eight modules spread over 15 months, the program enables participants to acquire finance and management skills, as well as the soft skills essential to leadership. Since 2012, the Group has grown significantly and now boasts 1,265 laboratories and 130 technical platforms. Accordingly, the number of managers has soared as well, which means more future leaders to train. Moreover, as Cerba Healthcare expands internationally, it has become crucial to harmonize training to align managers' skills with the Group's global strategy.

Turning scientists into inspirational leaders: the need for a tailored approach

“Cerba Healthcare needed a very specific program, because of the target population and the challenges faced," says Marie-Laure Fèvre, project manager for customized training programs at emlyon. “We put experience at the heart of the BioManagers program. Participants don't just sit back and listen: they are active players in their learning*."

The course's motto is "Learn to do and do to learn!” This is reflected in the very first module, which immerses participants in the world of the military, teaching managers how to react in uncertain situations and to adopt the right stance when faced with the unexpected. These hands-on experiences are then transposed and applied to their professional situation.
Another distinctive part of the program consists of improv exercises supervised by actors/experts, which enable participants to take on different roles, work on their public speaking and body language, and rehearse different scenarios, so that they are ready to meet challenges when they return to their regular jobs. This is what sets a tailor-made course apart from a more general MBA-type program. Training is adapted to the needs of learners, enabling them to transform themselves and their organizations.

Desirability is another important component. “It was essential to make the BioManagers program prestigious and attractive, to incentivize biologists to invest in their management skills – something which was not a given at the outset,” says Fèvre. “We worked with Cerba Healthcare's management team to give the program a higher profile in the company and make sure that key leaders played a pivotal role in establishing BioManagers as a cornerstone of the Group's learning and development pathways.”

The efforts paid off, as shown by feedback from participants. One Cerba Healthcare Belgium employee who was selected for the program in February 2024, said: "It's an honor to have been selected for Cerba Healthcare's BioManagers development program. Building skills, meeting colleagues from other countries or divisions and learning from their valuable experiences is the oxygen that fuels my motivation!"

A program that has evolved to maximize its impact

As the number of participants has grown, so have the ripple effects through the company, fueled by positive feedback from past participants. Employees see BioManagers as an excellent way of acquiring new skills and developing leadership. As a result, over the years, the program has become a real driver in attracting and retaining talents.

The topics covered have also evolved with the times. Artificial intelligence is now included, reflecting technological advances and the sector's changing needs. These adjustments demonstrate the company's commitment to stay in touch with what is happening in the industry.


Likewise, the program is constantly evolving to maximize its transformational impact, i.e. its effectiveness in bringing about change for participants and the organization. With this in mind, emlyon business school has honed its impact measurement methods to enhance its customized approach. Whereas initially impact was measured collectively through group work, now it is assessed individually, enabling a more detailed analysis of each participant's progress. This individualized approach enables emlyon business school to better understand how the skills acquired are put into practice and how they positively influence the performance of Group entities. The program uses the Kirkpatrick model to assess impact at different levels, including participant satisfaction, skills transfer, application to daily work and organizational impact. Satisfaction levels have risen steadily, with the participant satisfaction rate climbing from 4.41/5 in 2012 to 4.81 in 2024. Regular debriefing sessions and follow-ups facilitate the effective integration and utilization of learning in day-to-day work, boosting the long-term impact on the organization.

At the Merit Summit & Awards 2024, an international summit on corporate learning, leadership, and personal development, emlyon had the opportunity to present the program, which was praised for its impact.

Members of the Merit Summit & Awards 2024 jury

“I believe implementation and impact are quite strong as it seems a solid initiative that is still relevant since 2012 with the yearly adaptations and evolution.” “The program seems to tackle effectively the challenge of transforming technical experts into people leaders, leveraging innovative approaches such as flip classroom, deliberate play, and experiential learning ‘in the mountains'.”

With its evolving pedagogical content, experiential learning, and the technical and soft skills acquired over the 15 months of training, the BioManagers program resolutely embodies a visionary and inspiring approach to leadership. It's not just about learning; it's about transmitting, inspiring and transforming. Cerba HealthCare's vision and expectations are perfectly aligned with the company's forward-looking global strategy.

Lionelle Mazoyer, Global HR Director, Cerba HealthCare

"I would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for our long-standing collaboration with emlyon business school. Over the years, our relationship has strengthened, and we are pleased to continue our partnership. The distinctive curriculum offered by emlyon business school has consistently aligned with our strategic objectives. Its adaptability to the evolving industrial landscape has been noteworthy, enabling us to tailor our offering in response to current trends and developments. It is also worth noting that the program has become a highly sought-after offering within our company, with participants regularly providing us with excellent feedback. We believe that our partnership with emlyon business school has played a key role in our mutual success, and we look forward to continuing to work closely together in the years to come”.

emlyon business school is continuing to expand its presence in the healthcare sector

As part of its Resonance 2024-2028 strategic plan, the school is launching the Healthcare Innovation, Technology & Society Institute (HITS) and introducing the new BioPharma curriculum for “Grande École” students. This initiative will enable emlyon business school to strengthen its appeal in the healthcare sector, consolidating its position as a benchmark business school in a key economic field. Building on its recognized academic excellence in this eminently strategic sector, the school also offers a wide range of healthcare training programs, including initial training (Master of Science), executive education courses, as well as tailor-made programs such as BioManagers.

For further information on our customized training programs