Students represent a valuable talent pool for companies, driven by their desire to enhance their skills and gain practical experience, resulting in a high level of engagement. Employers can leverage this enthusiasm and benefit from a dynamic, committed workforce with great potential for development. Simultaneously, students frequently seek internships, job opportunities, and career guidance.

The Career Center, frequently referred to as the "Service Carrière" in French schools, is the key point of contact to address the needs of both companies and students and facilitate connections between the two. At emlyon business school, the Career Center has three main objectives: to guide our students towards sustainable employment, to foster connections among students, graduates, and employers, and to develop expertise and credibility on employability trends.

Building and nurturing a relationship with a school's career services is essential in enhancing an organization's employer brand and recruitment strategies among the student community and offers numerous benefits.

Boost the visibility of your company

Annual recruitment events organized by the Career Center, such as career fairs, are indispensable to enhance your visibility among students, attract top talent, and establish your brand as a potential employer.

On-campus events provide an exclusive chance to interact with candidates, while virtual events enable companies to engage with a broader audience within a limited timeframe. For instance, emlyon business school continues to hold its renowned "Careers Forum" in a hybrid format, offering participants the option to attend on-campus in Lyon-Ecully or virtually.

The Career Center teams can also showcase your company to students and faculty

The Career Center teams can also showcase your company to students and faculty by organizing company presentations or themed events centered around a profession or industry, such as the Career Days.

Strengthen your employer brand

Collaborating with a school's Career Center offers the opportunity to provide students with a glimpse into your company's culture, mission, and values. This can attract potential talents who align with your organization's core values, increasing the likelihood of a good fit between the candidate and your company. Moreover, by informing students about your career opportunities and providing high-quality internships or missions, you can bolster your reputation as an employer of choice, capable of offering professional development and growth opportunities to its employees. Such efforts can attract top talents and positively impact your organization's recruitment and retention strategies.

Access a pool of qualified talents

The Career Center is an excellent source of talent for companies. Students often have a solid education, diverse profiles, and are often motivated to develop their skills and gain experience.

What we like about emlyon students is their uniqueness and entrepreneurial spirit", declares Louis Cournot, Talent Graduate Program at Mazars.

Improve your recruitment strategy

The career services of a school can provide valuable feedback on your company from students. The Career Center team collects testimonials and feedback from students on internships and previous jobs and offer expert advice on how to make your company more appealing to students. Additionally, the Career Center has a mission to help companies understand labor market trends and identify the skills sought by students, enabling them to improve their hiring processes and strengthen their ability to attract top candidates.

The career teams at emlyon work with your company to define or enhance your recruitment strategy among our students by developing a tailored action plan that includes participation in key recruitment events, thematic days, and exclusive opportunities to connect with emlyon's talented students.

Petula Komboyaya, HR development manager for the Groupe Casino, testifies: "We have been working more intensively with emlyon's Career Center for two years now, to work on our employer brand and increase our visibility. Thanks to our contact at the Career Center, we've had the opportunity to participate in several events, including the Careers Forum, but also more targeted actions in specific areas such as meetups or sessions where operational managers come to present their job and career."

In summary, collaborating with a school's career service is an excellent opportunity for companies seeking to access a vast pool of skilled and motivated talents. The Career Center not only helps companies improve their reputation as an employer of choice and boost their visibility among students, but also enables them to optimize their recruitment strategy by providing tailored initiatives that meet their specific needs.

The emlyon Career Center offers companies a complete range of services and events to support them in developing their recruitment strategy and employer branding.

Explore services and events for companies