The mission of the Leadership Academy for New Futures is to collect and formalize knowledge and practices representative of conscientious leadership, and to share them with as many people as possible.

It brings together several emlyon researchers in the disciplines of Leadership and Strategy, united around a common desire to support managers and executives in the exercise of leadership in a period of model transition and major contextual ruptures.

These professors are also regularly involved in Executive Education, both in France and abroad. This “applied” dimension of their profile, combined with the research they carry out, enables them to be as close as possible to the challenges and needs of managers and executives. The research team regularly speaks out in the mainstream media (as with their series of columns in Les Echos, for example) or more specialized media (such as HBR online). They also publish books and host two conferences a year on these topics.

Conference cycle

The conferences organized by the Leadership Academy For New Futures offer instances to discuss and embrace new leadership visions and practices. Their aim is to support managers and executives in the exercise of leadership in the context of limited planetary, collective and individual resources.

The 1st cycle was structured around a conference held in spring 2024 in Lyon and another in autumn 2024 in Paris. It brings together, around a guest, an audience of students, alumni, partners, companies and professors on emlyon business school campuses. Guests are leaders with inspiring backgrounds, implementing original visions aligned around the key challenge of global ecology.

Emmanuel Faber, first guest of the Leadership Academy for New Futures on the topic "Une compétitivité écologique et sociale est-elle possible ?" (Is an ecological and social competitiveness possible?)

Former CEO of Danone, Emmanuel Faber is currently Chairman of the ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board). A leader committed to the challenges of climate change and an avid mountaineer, he is also the author of several books, including “Ouvrir une voie”, published in 2022 by Paulsen. Emmanuel Faber spoke about his commitments and his vision of possible ways to build new futures. The debate was hosted by Thomas Gauthier, Associate Dean for Anthropocene Pedagogy at emlyon business school. The round table included Bertrand Valiorgue, Professor of Strategy and Corporate Governance, and Alice Castan, a student from emlyon business school's Programme Grande École (PGE).

Round Table « Leadership en contexte de haute performance : deux témoignages dans le monde du sport de haut niveau », in Paris on November 7, 2024

As part of the legacy of the 2024 Olympic Games, emlyon business school's Leadership Academy for New Futures invites you to meet two immense multi-medal-winning French sports champions: Sarah Ourahmoune, Olympic boxing vice-champion in 2016 in Rio, and Fabien Gilot, Olympic swimming champion in 2012 in London. Both will talk about their incredible paths and explain how they overcame obstacles, transformed their sport and created new performance models. Not forgetting to tell us about the behind-the-scenes organization of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, in which they were deeply involved...After opening words by Tessa Melkonian, Director of the Leadership Academy, the round table will be hosted by Thierry Picq and Tessa Melkonian, professors and members of the Leadership Academy's research collective.

Conference: Christopher Guérin, guest of the Leadership Academy for New Futures on the topic "Leadership and New Futures: Moving in the Right Direction", in Lyon on March 17, 2025.

CEO of Nexans since 2018, Christopher Guérin has refocused the company on sustainable electrification. By reintroducing sobriety, he has designed a management model that integrates Economy, Environment, and Engagement (E3 model). Author of "Pour aller dans le bon sens, un nouveau modèle de management dans un monde en permacrise" ("Moving in the Right Direction: A New Management Model in a World in Permanent Crisis"), he is the guest of the Leadership Academy for New Futures. He will share his vision of radically different leadership that opens up new, more sustainable pathways in response to today's and tomorrow's challenges. For the record, this conference will take place on our new campus, the former site of Nexans' Lyon factory.


Les Echos columns – Série Leadership et nouveaux futurs

The Leadership and New Futures series presents a debate on new leadership issues and practices, based on the latest research, opened by a collective of professors from emlyon business school's Leadership Academy For New Futures: Dr. Tessa Melkonian, Thierry Nadisic, Ph. D., Thierry Picq, Thomas Gauthier.

  • Column 1
    by Thomas Gauthier, Tessa Melkonian, Thierry Nadisic and Thierry Picq. Les Echos. Février 2024.
« Leadership : explorer des futurs pluriels s'impose »
  • Column 2
    by Tessa Melkonian. Les Echos. Mars 2024.
« Préserver son écologie personnelle : un impératif pour les leaders »
  • Column 3
    by Thierry Picq. Les Echos. Avril 2024.
« Du stade héroïque à une dimension partagée du leadership »
  • Column 4
    by Thierry Nadisic. Les Echos. Mai 2024
« Leadership à venir et pouvoir d'agir »
  • Column 5
    by Thomas Gauthier. Les Echos. Juillet 2024.
« Les dirigeants face aux limites planétaires »
  • Column 6
    by Thomas Gauthier, Tessa Melkonian, Thierry Nadisic and Thierry Picq. Les Echos, Octobre 2024.
« Préparer les dirigeants à exercer leur leadership autrement »

HBR Articles

The Conversation articles

Academic articles


  • GAUTHIER, T. et HANIFA, V. (2020). Prospective : anticiper, décider et agir dans l'incertitude. EPFL Press.
  • MELKONIAN, T. (2024). Pourquoi un leader doit être exemplaire. 2e Edition. UGA Éditions.
  • NADISIC, T. (2024). Le management juste. 2e Edition. UGA Éditions.
  • NADISIC, T. et MISSLIN, T. (2024). Leadership expérience : 17 pratiques pour donner envie d'agir à vos équipes. Dunod.
  • NADISIC, T., MISSLIN, T., MOREAU, C. et BASSET, G. (à paraître en janvier 2025). Transformer le management : la démarche Grand 8. 2e Edition. UGA édition.
  • NADISIC, T. et PICQ, T. (à paraître en avril 2025). Les managers aussi vivent des injustices. Dunod.
  • PICQ, T. et ROMEZY, M. (2024). Dans la tête des champions : 18 récits pour s'inspirer des sportifs de haut niveau. Dunod.
  • PICQ, T. (2021). L'art de la performance. Dunod.

Book chapters

  • NADISIC, T. et PATIENT, D. (2024) "Russell Cropanzano et le développement de la justice organisationnelle ". In F. Chevalier et al. (Eds.) Les grands auteurs en gestion des ressources humaines. Edition EMS.

Business cases

  • NADISIC, T., TANG, L.S., LEVITA, C. et BAPT, V. (2024) Management de projet et cœur brisé. CCMP Editions.