Founding members of the collective
The Leadership Academy For New futures team is composed of a group of permanent research professors committed to the subjects of leadership and strategic prospective. They are supported by Angela De Oliveira (project manager) and Valérie Jobard (head of scientific mediation).
Tessa Melkonian (Head of the Leadership Academy) is a professor of Management and Organizational Behavior.
Her research focuses on the influence of perceptions of justice and exemplarity on employee cooperation in situations of change, and on collective performance in extreme situations. She has published multiple articles in international journals as well as in French journals. She is the author of “Pourquoi un leader doit être exemplaire” (Why a leader must be exemplary), reissued in 2024 by PUG. She has extensive experience of executive training with numerous firms on subjects such as collective performance and the human stakes of change.
Thomas Gauthier is professor and head of the Sustainable Futures course, taken by all students in the Grande Ecole, International MBA and Executive MBA programs. He is also Associate Dean for Pedagogy in the Anthropocene.
His research focuses on the anticipation and strategy of organizations in the Anthropocene. He also explores the mechanisms by which companies can take part in the design of “habitable” worlds. He holds the “Strategy in the Anthropocene” teaching and research chair at emlyon and Carbone 4.
Thierry Nadisic is a professor in management, doctor and researcher in organizational behavior, associate professor of economics and management, and certified coach.
His research focuses on the management of feelings of justice and fulfillment at work. He runs tailor-made managerial transformation coaching programs in partner companies, as well as 100% online Executive MBA leadership courses. His recent publications include “S'épanouir en temps de crise” (Thriving in times of crisis), published by Eyrolles.
Thierry Picq is a professor of management and human resources. He was Academic Director and then Director of Innovation at emlyon from 2014 to 2020.
He is passionate about the study of human dynamics and collective performance. His research and training work focuses on innovation, managerial transformation, change management, learning development and managing teams in extreme situations. He is the author of numerous professional and academic books and articles, as well as a speaker. He has just published “Dans la tête des champions” (Inside the minds of champions), published by Dunod.