The Foundation in a nutshell
Why and how to proceed with a donation?
The students, exclusive recipients of the Foundation
The Foundation’s resources

The emlyon Foundation is managed by an Administration Board of volunteering representatives of the entire emlyon ecosystem: the school's administration, the students and the CCI LYON METROPOLE Saint-Etienne Roanne since emlyon is a consular school, along with benefactors and qualified personalities chosen for their competences in the action fields of the Foundation.

In 2022, Lucie Constant has been appointed Chief Delegate, to run the Foundation's daily operations in pair with the Chairman.

“We want to thank all of the Foundation trustees who have been actively involved since it was created. Identically, we want to express our heartfelt thanks to friends, alumni, administrative staff of the school or students who are involved daily with great enthusiasm and talent to inspire solidarity and a fundraising culture at emlyon.”

As an enthusiastic expert with a 15-year professional experience in collecting donations from the culture and higher education sectors, Lucie Constant has specialized in the ex-nihilo development of fundraising strategies for institutions with a large international outreach. She is actively involved in the Association Française des Fundraisers and in the Club des Fonds et Fondations of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region.

The emlyon Foundation, a vessel of the School’s social commitment

The emlyon Foundation is a vessel of philanthropy conveying actions of general interest aligned with the School's CSR commitment, and prolonging them for the direct benefit of students. It also serves as a kick-start for unprecedented initiatives or as a catalyst for recurring actions.

Isabelle Huault in 2022

“In addition to the projects supported by the Foundation, the School is proud to be activating solidarity measures and financial levers, via a scholarship policy much more voluntarist and ambitious, to encourage students in joining our programs, vectors of emancipation, social advancement and employability.”

Marie-Stéphane Maradeix (PGE 87)

« En se dotant du statut de société à mission, emlyon inscrit dans la durée son engagement de former et d'accompagner les managers d'aujourd'hui et de demain à transformer les organisations pour qu'elles contribuent à une société plus juste, solidaire et respectueuse de la planète. En tant qu'ancienne élève et présidente du Comité de Mission, je ne peux que réaffirmer l'importance de la Fondation emlyon dans cette ambition. L'école doit se doter de moyens significatifs en faveur de l'inclusion et de la protection de l'environnement. Sa politique de bourses et son Plan Climat sont des gestes forts, mais qui doivent demeurer pérennes. La mobilisation des parties prenantes de l'emlyon, au premier rang desquels les Alumni, doit être massive pour accompagner le développement de l'école en cohérence avec les nouveaux défis sociaux et environnementaux. »

The emlyon Foundation, hand-in-hand with the School's values

The values structuring the School's various activity domains on a daily basis also apply to the Foundation: exigency (pushing through, surpassing oneself), integrity (acting ethically), responsibility (being aware of the impact of one's actions), diversity (being open to difference) and solidarity (showing generosity).

Here are some of the main principles:

  1. Benefactors can choose to allot their donations to a specific project, and this choice is strictly respected.
  2. Prospects are approached with sincerity and in a calibrated way, that is in a stimulating manner without pressure.
  3. Personal data are used for the sole purpose of charity prospecting and for donation processing, never to be shared nor sold externally.
  4. The Foundation team is committed to be as professional and available as possible.
  5. The most effective work methods and the least expensive are favored in order to distribute a maximum of resources to the beneficiaries.

The emlyon Foundation, under the umbrella of the Fondation de France, the leading reference

The emlyon Foundation is legally independent from the School. It operates under the wing of the Fondation de France, a foundation of public utility, a guarantee of its general interest purposes. It is a nonprofit organization, which means it operates for the benefit of the greater number with a disinterested management.

The emlyon Foundation is positioned at the heart of the first philanthropic network in France, with 900 sheltered funds fostering exchanges with experts. This shelter allows the emlyon Foundation to provide for several tax exemptions in France and abroad.

The emlyon Foundation entrusts the Fondation de France with some of its actions such as the rigorous and safe management of its assets, cashing donations, its technical interface, and issuing tax receipts.

The Fondation de France ensures daily compliance with regulatory, legal, fiscal and ethical regulations of the emlyon Foundation, such as following up on the decisions the Administration Board makes, or the certification of its accounts by an auditor.

The emlyon Foundation also collaborates with the Fondation de France Centre-Est, located in Lyon.

The students, exclusive recipients of the Foundation