
We are entrepreneurs for change

emlyon business school can look back on over 150 years of history shaping its commitment to “provide lifelong training and support to enlightened people who effectively change organizations to build a society that is fairer, shows solidarity for others and respects the planet.” This mission statement has been enshrined in the school's bylaws since emlyon became a benefit corporation in 2021.

Our special teaching philosophy closely links thinking and doing, helping cultivate the entrepreneurial mindset and reflexivity which have been integral to the School's DNA since it was first founded. We can rely on the expertise of a faculty consisting of more than 170 research professors informing the global scientific conversation and contributing new knowledge to our academic programs. Lastly, our social and environmental engagement underpins all our activities. 2024 has been a busy year for emlyon.

Our new strategic plan - “Resonances 2028”- focuses on five qualities we expect from our students, “makers” capable of exploring alternative futures, building and taking action: academic excellence, entrepreneurial spirit, commitment, hybrid knowledge and resonance with the world, society and the business community.

Our new campus which embodies our ambitious scientific and teaching goals will be home to the emlyon community from September 2024. These unique premises testifying to our strong local roots and international outlook will offer a truly exceptional student experience and become a meeting place for all stakeholders committed to achieving a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Isabelle Huault  Executive President and Dean of emlyon business school.

Isabelle Huault
Executive President and Dean of emlyon business school.

emlyon business school

A unique and deeply rooted business school

The School hosts 9,050 students representing 125 nationalities in undergraduate and postgraduate programs, along with nearly 6,900 participants in executive education programs. The School counts 4 campuses around the world: Lyon, Paris, Shanghai and Mumbai. It draws on a network of 190 international academic partners and leads a community of 45,000 alumni in 130 different countries.


emlyon business school was founded in 1872 by the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is a private higher-education establishment recognized by the French State. It is one of the oldest business schools in Europe. emlyon is among the 1% of global business schools to be accredited by the three international accreditation systems: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. As such, it merits its status as a global-ranking school of business and management.

graduate and postgraduate
academic partners
Executive Education

The teaching model: We are makers

emlyon's distinctive academic signature "We are makers" molds learning into a lifelong endeavor to have an impact on the world and offers a real alternative in its environment. It sees learning as not only a transfer of academic knowledge but also a "course of learning experiences" that equips students to forge a constant link between thought and action:  "doing to learn, learning to do".

Through these collective and individual learning experiences, emlyon has set out to train responsible managers capable of taking up the challenges of today and tomorrow. This general-interest calling lies at the heart of the school's identity and is written into its articles of association since July 2021 when it transitioned to the status of a benefit corporation.

emlyon business school has two doctoral programs.

Doctoral programs

The Faculty

emlyon business school's faculty comprises highly-qualified professors and researchers working in our research centers. They help face social and economic challenges through papers published in the most prestigious international academic journals and in wide publications. Their expertise covers a very broad spectrum, ranging from artificial intelligence to the social sciences and entrepreneurship.

Faculty members are united by a common desire to generate the theoretical and practical answers to the major issues of the 21st century. This mindset is the keystone of the academic vision promoted by the school.

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professeures et professeurs permanents
de titulaires
membres du corps professoral
centres de recherche

Our history

Throughout its history, emlyon business school has remained true to its distinctive characteristics: the spirit of enterprise, creativity and humanistic values.

  • 1872 The Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lyon opened its doors with 75 students and 17 professors in a building constructed under Louis XV in Rue de la Charité in the second district of Lyon.
  • 1877 Foundation of the Alumni Association, which plays an active part in finding jobs for the school's graduates.
  • 1960 Creation of the Management Development Center, which launched a range of executive education programs.
  • 1972 Inauguration of the school's new site in Ecully.
  • 1978 The first double-degree programs were launched. A new network of schools was formed, made up of: Ecole Supérieur de Commerce de Lyon, University of Texas (USA), York University (Canada), University of Connecticut (USA), Aston University (UK) and Pace University (USA).
  • 1984 Creation of the Entrepreneurs Center and the dedicated entrepreneurship programs.
  • 1988 Creation of a new network spanning all of Europe (60 partners around the world).
  • 1997 The school celebrated its 125th anniversary and took on a new name. The ESC Lyon Group became E.M.LYON (Ecole de Management de Lyon).
  • 2005 The school joined the 1% of global business schools granted with 3 accreditations (AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB).
  • 2007 A new campus was opened in Shanghai.
  • 2010 The Alumni Association becomes the EMLYON FOREVER network and adds 20,000 graduates worldwide.
  • 2014 A campus was opened in Saint-Etienne and the Global BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration) was launched.
  • 2015 A campus was opened in Casablanca.
  • 2016 The new early makers brand signature was launched and a campus opened in Paris.
  • 2018 The school changed its legal structure and became a public limited company with an executive board and a supervisory board.
  • 2019 The Lyon campus project was launched: a "next-generation campus" based in Lyon and planned for september 2024.
  • 2021 emlyon emlyon unveiled its “Confluences 2025” strategic plan and adopted the status of a "société à mission", or benefit corporation.
  • 2023 The new We are makers brand signature was launched.
  • 2024 emlyon unveiled its Résonances 2028 strategic plan and openend its new campus in Lyon.

150 years, here and now

The 150th anniversary of emlyon is an opportunity for the School to lay its foundations again and consider the future, drawing on the wealth and diversity of its experience. Rather than celebrating the past only or the School itself, emlyon chose to open a discussion between these various eras and their actors, with a view to shed a light on today's issues.

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emlyon business school is a public limited company with an Executive Board and a Supervisory Board. The Executive Board is the executive body of the School, which formulates and execute the strategy, along with an Executive Committee. The Supervisory Board ensure its proper implementation.

Executive Committee

  • Isabelle HUAULT: Executive President & Dean and President of the Executive Board
  • Nicolas PEJOUT: Executive Vice President and Executive Board Member, in charge of Strategy and Development
  • Delphine BLAU-CORREIA: Director of Operations and Users' Experience
  • David BOCCALINI: Director of Communication, Marketing & Recruitment and Executive Board Member
  • Bénédicte BOST: Director of Sustainability and Social Responsibility & Chief Mission Officer
  • Teddy BREYTON: New campus Project Director
  • Sébastien LAURENT: Director of Human Resources
  • Aymeric LEBARON: Chief Financial Officer
  • Anne-Laure SCHWARTZ: Director of Quality, Accréditations & Rankings
  • Mark SMITH: Dean of Programs
  • Peter WIRTZ: Dean of Faculty and Research at emlyon and Executive Board Member

Supervisory board

  • Guillaume Pepy – President
  • Yves Chavent – Vice-President
  • Myriam Bencharaa
  • Antoine de Riedmatten
  • Godefroy de Colombe
  • Sidonie Mérieux
  • Philippe-Loïc Jacob
  • Charlotte Campanella
  • Nicolas Badré
  • Jean-Charles Clément
  • Valérie Travain-Milone
  • Eric Lefebvre – Censor
  • Cécile Pigeon – Representative of the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) (Substitute: Isabelle Adeline)