Responsible Engagement track

emlyon business school

In 2016, emlyon business school created a unique initiative: the Responsible Commitment Track within the Programme Grande Ecole.

What does the Responsible Engagement Track consist in?

The objective of this initiative is to raise students' awareness of social and environmental issues, to turn them into responsible actors aware of current challenges, ready to commit and defend their values for the common good.

Students are asked to commit to a voluntary mission with a social and/or environmental impact, to act in the general interest.

They create, co-create and take part in projects, while developing their innovative potential in keeping with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. This track is highly innovative and academically demanding, as it is a graduation requirement of the Programme Grande École by doing 50 hours of volunteer missions in the field.

A three-fold experiential learning:

This pathway takes the form of a progressive, three-phase process experiential learning:
1. A mandatory 50-hour “field” phase in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals. Students undertake "field" missions, in direct contact with the beneficiaries of over 80 emlyon partner associations or in associations they have selected.
2. An academic phase in which they move on to a reflective phase by validating a course with feedback, an evaluation of their contribution to the SDGs, an impact assessment and mapping of their Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (SD-SR) skills.
3. A more in-depth, voluntary phase in which they reinforce the discovery phase by investing a further 50 hours in an organization serving the general interest.

Innovate in the general interest

To take this further, the creation of projects with a social and/or environmental impact is promoted as part of the Social Entrepreneurship Awards and the Social Entrepreneurship Certificate. Students then develop their potential to innovate in the general interest around issues of social inclusion, awareness-raising or fund-raising in the social and environmental field.

The Social Entrepreneurship Certificate validates the importance of long-term commitment, social and environmental innovation and professionalization of the approach, as well as the ability to change and transform.

In 2023/2024:

hours of responsible commitment
were validated by 1,766 students
level 2
students have reached this level by completing 100 hours of commitment
concerned access to fundamental rights, the fight against poverty and equal opportunities
2024 Social Entrepreneurship Awards
projects were selected, submitted by 55 students, including 2 exceptional projects that led to the creation of 2 high-impact associations
Social Entrepreneurship Certificate
students obtained it
new associations
became partners, including 9 with an environmental impact 
Responsible Engagement track of emlyon business school
Responsible Engagement track of emlyon business school