emlyon and Volvo Group: a renewed cooperation agreement
Published on 2022.05.16
As long-standing partners, emlyon and Volvo Group have renewed their cooperation agreement on Wednesday May 04th, in the presence of Isabelle Huault, President and Dean of the School, and Martin Ulander, Director of Education at Volvo Group. Thierry Fayette, HR Director at Renault Trucks and Volvo Group France, and Françoise Le Guern, Education Manager France, were also present for this signature.
This alliance is consistent with the worldwide partnership program in higher education (Academic Partner Program) the Volvo Group has started several years ago now, to promote talent recruitment, research and training. The Academic Partner Program is open only to a selection of higher education and research institutions working in fields aligned with the development strategy and the vision of the Volvo Group. emlyon is the only business school in France to participate in this program, a solid recognition of the quality and excellence of its teachings and its faculty.
Hosted by the Volvo Group University, the internal training unit of the Volvo Group, this cooperation is about competence development of the group staff, a common designing of programs or training tools, new learning methods, experience sharing and talent recruitment. Through this program, students of emlyon have access to privileged relationships with the group, notably via internships in France and abroad, and via guest speakers operating in courses of the School. Many graduates have already entered the group over the past few years and the company also takes part in recruitment and employer's brand events organized by emlyon on a yearly basis.
With partners in Sweden, France, the USA, in China, India and Japan, the Scandinavian group, owner of Renault Trucks, intends to successfully pursue long term research and innovation