On Thursday, October 12th, emlyon business school hosted the Finance & Consulting Forum on its Lyon-Ecully campus, followed by its online version on Friday, October 13th. Organized by emlyon's Career Center, this two-day event marked the start of the annual recruitment season, bringing together students and employers for their first in-person interaction.

A meeting hub for candidates and companies

The emlyon business school Finance & Consulting Forum is a key annual event that connects students from various programs within the school, such as the Grande Ecole Program (Master in Management), the Master of Science in Finance, and the Master of Science in Strategy and Consulting, alongside top companies operating in the finance and consulting sectors. This event serves as a unique opportunity for exchange between the talents of the new generation and employers in these industries. What sets this event apart is its ability to seamlessly integrate both face-to-face and online interactions through its two-day hybrid format. This innovative approach has expanded the event's global reach, allowing international participants to take part in the forum.

 Le Mastère Spécialisé Management de la Transition Energétique correspondait en tous points à mes attentes en termes de montée en compétences et de légitimité auprès des acteurs du marché

A growing international presence

emlyon business school stands out for its commitment to global outreach and and strengthening its international network. This year's Finance & Consulting Forum featured a diverse array of international companies offering worldwide job opportunities. Notably, Citibank, Circle Strategy, and BearingPoint Luxembourg made their inaugural appearances at the event, some even sending representatives from their London offices. Eleanor Dall, University Relations & Engagement Manager at Citibank, shared her impressions, stating, “I've been really impressed by all the students I've met. They've all come up to me very confidently, they presented themselves, they've told me about their work experience and what they've been studying. I found them all to be very approachable”.

International students also had the opportunity to identify English-speaking employers through badges indicating their ability to communicate in English.

Highlighting professions in finance and consulting

This event aims to showcase careers in finance and consulting, providing students with the opportunity to explore the realm of these professions and find employment in these sectors. Company-led conferences covered topics such as the recruitment processes in consulting and M&A, the role of women in consulting, and opportunities in finance in the UK.

Interactions with companies and discussions with emlyon's alumni working in these organizations offered students a concrete perspective on their career prospects. Representatives from renowned financial institutions, consulting firms, and major companies shared their expertise and experience in these fields. Notable financial institutions included companies like BNP Paribas, La Banque Postale, and Société Générale, while consulting firms such as Capgemini, Sopra Next, Mazars, Deloitte, Wavestone, Sia Partners, and PwC were also present.

 Le Mastère Spécialisé Management de la Transition Energétique correspondait en tous points à mes attentes en termes de montée en compétences et de légitimité auprès des acteurs du marché

Student profiles that meet recruiter expectations

Ambition, curiosity, and a 360° vision" were the keywords mentioned by Vincent Bagnis, Head of Customer Relationship with CIB and Specialised Businesses at BNP Paribas, to describe emlyon students. Maéva Berthet, Strategy and Operations Consultant at Deloitte, further added, "They also possess excellent management skills and an entrepreneurial spirit, which we continue to see when they join our company."

Participating companies expressed their satisfaction with their interactions with emlyon students. Morvan Mallegol, Head of the Sustainable Banking Hub for La Banque Postale, testified, "The strength of emlyon interns and apprentices is their rapid operational readiness”. The recruiters emphasized the alignment between the solid education that emlyon students receive and the requirements of companies, thus strengthening the connections between the academic and professional realms.

A significant event

The 2023 edition of the Finance & Consulting Forum was successful, bringing together over 900 students and 33 companies during the two days of the event. This well-known event plays a crucial role as a bridge between future professionals and employers on a global scale.

This emlyon business school forum has established itself as an essential recruitment event in the field of finance and consulting, thanks to its hybrid format, focus on evolving professions in these sectors, and the presence of international recruiters

Visual highlights from the 2023 Finance & Consulting Forum

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