Mohit Anant - Defended 2012
- Current Position: Associate Professor - emlyon business school
- Dissertation Title: Knowledge Management, Innovation Processes and Market Building in Emerging Markets: The Case of the Indian Insurance Industry
Marco Bottura - Defended 2018
- Current position: Assistant Professor of Management - Lyfe Institute, Ecully, France
- Dissertation Title: Emerging, organizing and collaborating: Three essays on institutional change in professional fields
Olga Bruyaka - Defended 2008
- Current position: Associate Professor - West Virginia University, USA
- Dissertation Title: What Value Drivers to Bet on? A Delicate Path from Rent Generation to Rent Appropriation in French Biotech Firms
Janice Byrne - Defended 2012
- Current position: Assistant Professor - Ivey Business School - University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Dissertation Title: One size fits all? Tailored programme design and learning outcomes in entrepreneurship
Giovany Cajaiba-Santana - Defended 2013
- Current position: Assistant Professor - Kedge Business School, France
- Dissertation Title: A Comprehensive View of Social Entrepreneurship through Theoretical and Empirical Considerations
Mathieu-Claude Chaboud - Defended 2014
- Current position: Associate Professor - Burgundy School of Business, France
- Dissertation Title: Online community construction as a collective entrepreneurial process
Caroline Coulombe - Defended 2012
- Current position: Assistant Professor - Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Dissertation Title: Plurality in business ethics: Creating an instrument to measure the various ethical frameworks in organization
Grégoire Croidieu - Defended 2009
- Current position: Associate Professor - emlyon business school (Lyon campus)
- Dissertation Title: How Institutions Persist: Three Essays on Mechanisms in the Wine Industry
Laura Dupin - Defended 2020
- Current position: Assistant Professor - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Dissertation Title: Competing on identity: Essays on the effect of occupational market identities on partnership selection, location choice and organizational survival
Carine Farias - Defended 2015
- Current position: Associate Professor - IÉSEG School of Management, France
- Dissertation Title: Construction, maintenance and dynamics of an intentional community: Producing social innovations through a collective re-appropriation of life
Asma Fattoum - Defended 2014
- Current position: Associate Professor - John Molson School of Business, University of Concordia, Canada
- Dissertation Title: Three essays on the king versus rich dilemma faced by founder-CEOs at IPO
Pablo Fernández - Defended 2015
- Current position: Associate Professor - IAE Business School, Argentina
- Dissertation Title: The construction of a political community: Three essays on work
Rand Gerges Yammine - Defended 2015
- Current position: Assistant Professor - ESCP Business School, France
- Dissertation Title: Exploring network microdynamics: Tie formation, tie dissolution and tie duration in the context of open multipartner alliances
Oksana Grebinevych - Defended 2018
- Current position: Assistant Professor - Montpellier Business School, France
- Dissertation Title: Antecedents and consequences of workforce differentiation
Sanjana Goreeba - Defended 2024
- Current position : Post-doc - University of Luxemburg
- Dissertation Title : Precarity and patriotism on the made in France shopfloor: an ethnographic study of worker strategies in navigating multiple forms of precarization
Dritjon Gruda - Defended 2017
- Current position: Associate Professor - Catolica Porto Business School
- Dissertation Title: I feel so attached: Influence of attachment orientations on leader perception, transference and prototypicality
Muhammad Imran - Defended 2019
- Current position: Assistant professor - Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University
- Dissertation Title: Three essays on how and when new business models create value for firms
Alan Johnson - Defended 2013
- Current position: Senior Reserach Fellow - Nord University, Norway
- Dissertation Title: Social Influence Interpretation of Members' Interpersonal Processes Over Time and Team Level Outcomes using Informative Hypotheses and Bayes Factors
Seong-Young Kim - Defended 2012
- Current position: Assistant Professor - ESC Rennes School of Business, France
- Dissertation Title: Alliance portfolios, firm resources, and performance
Michael Koch - Defended 2016
- Current position: Lecturer - University of Kent, UK
- Dissertation Title: Antecedents and consequences of workforce differentiation
Rasmi Kokash - Defended 2013
- Current position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow - DeGroote School of Business McMaster University, Canada
- Dissertation Title: The Effect of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Knowledge Creation on Firm Second-order Competences: Evidence from Knowledge-Intensive Sectors
Natalia Korchagina - Defended 2018
- Current position: Newton International Fellow - Warwick Business School, UK
- Dissertation Title: Exploring transformative creativity and its enactment in non-traditional organizational settings: Art, activism, and practice philosophy
Narjisse Lassas-Clerc - Defended 2012
- Current position: N/A
- Dissertation Title: Entrepreneurship Education & Learning Processes : What does Evidence Show about Learning & Motivation Outcomes?
Claire Le Breton – Defended 2021
- Current position : Post-doctorate Researcher - Grenoble Ecole de Management
- Dissertation Title : Stripping food-delivery platform work: a feminist ethnography
Elise Lobbedez - Defended in June 2023
- Current position: assistant professor - University of Essex
- Thesis title: Resistance movements under repression: an ethnography of the yellow vests' responses to sanctions and pushback
Tristan May – Defended 2022
- Current position : N/A
- Dissertation Title : Castles made of sand? On the Interplay of Material Artifacts, Times and Institutions
Vanessa Monties - Defended 2015
- Current position: Associate Professor in Management - ESSCA
- Dissertation Title: Police work: An ethnography of the identity work of officers in a changing institution
Samantha Ortiz-Casillas – Defended 2022
- Current position : Assistant Professor – Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE), Mexico City
- Dissertation Title : Politics and Expert Work in a Government Agency
Sarah Park - Defended 2014
- Current position: Senior Lecturer - University of Kent, UK
- Dissertation Title: Capability portfolios, evolution, and performance implications
Duncan Pelly - Defended 2015
- Current position: Associate Professor - Johnson School of Business, McMurray University, USA
- Dissertation Title: Entrepreneurship and opportunity: A temporal storytelling perspective
Yousra Rahmouni Elidrissi - Defended 2019
- Current position: Assitant professor - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Dissertation Title: The corporality of collective action: An ethnography of activist work in a French non-violent climate movement
Marjolaine Rostain - Defended 2020
- Current position: Assistant Professor - Warwick Business school
- Dissertation Title: Taking initiative: From firm orientation to work on the shop floor
Tapiwa Winston Seremani - Defended 2017
- Current position: Assistant Professor - IESEG, Paris, France
- Dissertation Title: Maintaining and challenging institutionalized forms of exclusion: Agency, institutional work and postcolonialism
Chittima Silberzahn - Defended 2016
Joseph Tixier - Soutenu en 2023
Aurélie Toivonen - Defended 2017
- Current position: Postdoc - University of Tampere, Finland
- Dissertation Title: Strategizing, struggling and negotiating within the context of market formalization: An empirical study in Yaoundé, Cameroon
Christelle Tornikosi - Defended 2011
- Current position: Assistant Professor - Grenoble Business School, France
- Dissertation Title: Expatriate compensation: A total reward perspective
Cristian Arlex Trejos Taborda - Defended 2024
- Current position : Post-Doctoral Researcher, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
- Dissertation title : Essays on the Formation of Moral Markets: Category Postionning, Frame Resonance, and Expectations Consistensy
Tao Wang - Defended 2015
- Current position: Associate Professor - emlyon business school, France
- Dissertation Title: Who needs it and who cares? Essays on social evaluation and organizational response
Frédérik Witte - Defended 2014
- Current position: Research Fellow - IAS Linköping University, Sweden
- Dissertation Title: When employees leap to self-employment: Do business ideas, occupations and policy matter?
Jie (Jay) Xiong - Defended 2013
- Current position: ESSCA School of Management, France
- Dissertation Title: Catching up and middle management in emerging markets: The case of the Chinese Hypermarket Industry
Wenyao Zhao - Defended 2016
- Current position: Assistant Professor - Lakehead University, Canada
- Dissertation Title: Symbols, actors and artifacts: Towards a semiotic perspective on institutional analysis