Why and how to proceed with a donation?
Why make a donation?
The emlyon Foundation is for all those who feel close to emlyon or are sensitive to its projects: Alumni, executive directors and managers who took a higher education program, students and their families, members of the various governance boards, collaborators, philanthropists and foundations redistributing in education, active companies close to our campuses... Its purpose is also to invite the whole emlyon community and its friends to tackle the School's future and its orientation towards common good. The School relies on a strong financial model, a powerful brand and a solid reputation. Via the Foundation, benefactors can be directly involved in the density of the youngsters' student lives and their aspirations to shape a fairer society, with more solidarity and respect for the planet.
Lucie Constant I Déléguée générale de la Fondation emlyon “I would like to express how grateful I am to all of our friends and alumni. This mobilization is absolutely paramount to roll out the projects supported by the Foundation and provide for students in need. With you, we can do better and faster.”
Marc Thiollier I Directeur Advancement & Alumni Relations “Taking part in projects of public interest supported by the Foundation is one Alumni commitment which is particularly dear to us."
In addition to providing support through the Foundation, companies are associating with emlyon in many other ways (releasing apprenticeship tax, funding projects for the purpose of the employer brand, recruiting etc.) Find out about partner companies, solutions applied and their dedicated teams.
A few reasons to take actions with the emlyon Foundation according to benefactors
“I make donations because I am especially fond of emlyon business school. The courses I took there were of great quality, just like the network I started building then. It is something I was able to rely on in my career.”
“I'm going to help out because, with insight, I was very lucky to join that school. More than 20 years later, I still see my then-classmates and I have many professional relationships with alumni.”
“Even if it is still rare in France, it's the idea to give back, even just a little, to my school where I received a lot.”
“I make donations so that the School is strong and that our degrees remain as valuable.”
“I grew so much by being a business manager. I am proud to support the emlyon Foundation and sensitive to its endeavors to encourage the “atypical profiles” we need in our teams, to join selective training programs.”
How to make a donation?
For each age and profile, an ideal support format
Traditionally, the Foundation raises for the most part, punctual financial donations (which can be done simply and promptly by online CC payment via this online donation form, or by check or wire transfer for consequential amounts donation form available here).
For those who are able to commit long-term and want to smooth out their support over time, the adapted solution is by direct debit which you can be activated via the donation form available here.
The Foundation can receive other forms of support such as:
• Buildings, in full or bare property, or their usufruct • Securities (obligations, shares, shares in Mutual Fund Trusts, SICAVs shares etc.) • Life-insurance contracts • Furniture, art, collections, jewelry... • As a legacy when inheriting • As corporate sponsorship, Property Investment Company... • As skilled-based sponsorship • As a volunteer giving some of your time • As gifts, temporary or definitive gifts with usufruct (exempted from transfer tax) • bequests • …
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