Recruitment & Employer Brand

Find your future interns

All of our initial training programs are designed to link up teaching and experiential learning (action-learning projects, internships, experience in real-life working conditions, business games, etc.). Whatever the course year, the students on our various programs are already immersed in work environments and problems, which will enable them to fit in easily and be rapidly operational in your business.

Our students are available throughout the year (depending on their program and year of study) to meet your company's recruitment needs. Internship durations can vary from a few weeks to several months, accommodating both short-term projects and long-term initiatives. Recruiting our interns offers several strategic advantages:

  • Continuous innovation: Our students bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, stimulating creativity and ongoing project evolution.
  • Specialized expertise: With advanced academic training and diverse practical experiences, they bring specialized skills in key areas such as digital marketing, sustainable finance, and strategic management.
  • Talent management: By investing in our interns, you contribute to developing and identifying future leaders in your industry, bolstering your long-term talent management strategy.

+33 (0)6 30 78 72 67

Initial training programs are designed to link pedagogy and experiential learning

Discover the profiles of our students

You can recruit students for internships in the following programs:

  • Bachelor programs (4 years post-secondary level): The Global BBA and Bachelor of Science in Data Science for Responsible Business are comprehensive 4-year programs preparing students for management roles. They offer profiles in operational fields like marketing, commerce, HR, and logistics, as well as specialized profiles in mathematics and sciences.
  • MSc in Management – Grande Ecole (5 years post-secondary level): A complete training covering all aspects of management, with possible specializations in diverse areas such as marketing, finance, corporate strategy, and more. Students gain deep strategic and operational insights — future managers with strong academic knowledge and recognized international experience.
  • Specialized Programs (MS) and Masters of Science (MSc): Over 15 specialized programs in various fields such as digital marketing, entrepreneurship, international finance, digital transformation of businesses, and more. These programs offer in-depth expertise and practical skills specific to each domain.
  • International MBA: A highly action-learning oriented program, the International MBA prepares participants to tackle global business challenges. In addition to general management courses, participants engage in international business projects, developing leadership, strategic management, and project management skills in a dynamic global context.

Post your job offers on our online platform

Through our digital platform Career Center Jobteaser, you can publish online your company presentation, job offers, and events to our student community. This platform serves as the interface between emlyon's Career Center, employers, and students.

Post your internship announcement on the emlyon Career Center Jobteaser platform

Meet our students during recruitment events

emlyon business school hosts various events during the year for the recruitment of its students : forums, themed days dedicated to a specific profession or industry sector, as well as challenges focused on a case study from your company. Our events are hybrid, with both in-person and online formats available.

Find out more about recruitment events
internships and job offers posted on our recruitment platform emlyon Career Center byJobteaser

*key figures from the 2022-23 academic year

internships completed by emlyon students
companies recruiting our students worldwide