A true driver of social openness and inclusion, apprenticeship is a highly professionalizing and virtuous training modality for both companies and apprentice students.

Apprenticeship at emlyon

emlyon business school has set the development of apprenticeship within its training programs as an objective and plans on reinforcing its CFA created in 2019.

Apprenticeship is already available to students in the Global BBA, the Grande Ecole Program, the Mastère Spécialisé Entrepreneuriat et Management de l'Innovation, the Mastère Spécialisé Juriste Manager International and the Mastère Spécialisé Transformation Digitale, Marketing et Stratégie of emlyon.

Its development within our programs, is one of the levers of the School's policy in favor of social diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities. Thanks to the co-financing by recruiters and by the State, of apprentices' training programs, apprenticeship can actually lift up financial barriers for students to enter emlyon. The CFA's growing development both addresses the strong student demand, and that of the recruiters.

Recruiting under apprenticeship contracts 

For employers, apprenticeship is a means to feed a pedagogical approach by contributing to the training of young talents and supporting their skill improvement. The emlyon students eligible to apprenticeship are nearing the end of their training programs, and already have a first professional experience they can rely on, to provide fresh perspectives, expand the teams' diversity and rapidly take on missions with responsibilities.

Apprenticeship turns out to be preferred also, as a recruitment mode, by corporations. On average, more than one student our of two, stay on at the same position, in their apprenticeship companies. Contract duration gives time for apprentices to actually immerse themselves in the corporate culture and work methods, thereby creating apool of potential future collaborators.

For companies, apprenticeship recruitment can sometimes prove challenging. It depends on their reputation as well as their ability to conduct effective recruitment campaigns.

Marine Petit, Recruitment Manager, Savencia.

“When we recruit apprentices, the aim is to help them grow while addressing real needs within our company. We build a close-to-hand relationship with the younger ones but also, through them, the company's future.”

Apprenticeship as a career booster !

For students, opting for a school-work mode, alternating between learning and in-company practical experience, provides a number of benefits. Beyond the co-financing of the training program by the State and the employer, apprenticeship provides a significant professional experience and the development of field competences. The rhythm alternating between at-school learning and life as a collaborator, allows to supplement the theoretical input with the concrete in-company application of knowledge. For Florian Gaillard, Head of School Relations in the Limagrain Group, “it allows apprentices to actually experience a pre-professional daily life before truly immersing themselves in the working life”.

For young individuals, one key aspect is to consistently better prepare them for their professional projects and the search for contracts (internships, apprenticeships, permanent positions). This is the role of emlyon's Career Center. Finding the right company for apprenticeship is a process that is learned and developed throughout one's academic journey, alongside academic content. It can be more challenging for those who directly enroll in a school for apprenticeship training.

Apprenticeship is a contract type very popular among corporations: at emlyon, the number of school-work job offers is still a lot higher than the demand. It often constitutes a prerecruitment feature, and as such, strongly increases student employability.

Romain, a Year-1 student in the Grande Ecole Program of emlyon business school.

“I don't think I will have a hard time finding an apprenticeship, there are many opportunities. By cumulating school and work, I will acquire a concrete professional experience of more than 20 months, which I wouldn't be able to get otherwise. It's also such a relief not to have to pay for the whole of my training program.”

You want to hire an emlyon student under an apprenticeship contract ?

Find out more about work-study programs at emlyon

Meet your future apprentices at a dedicated event organized by emlyon business school: the Apprentissage Forum

Find out more about work-study programs at emlyon