Let’s celebrate emlyon’s cultural diversity: an involved makers'project!
Published on 2021.05.21
On September 2020, an ambitious support system to stand up against discriminations and Sexual and Sexist Violence (SSV) has been launched at emlyon business school.
The CSR Department has designed and implemented a range of measures to support victims and witnesses within emlyon community through the deployment of:
- Awareness campaigns
- Training modules
- A multilingual online reporting platform available 24/7: speakup.emlyon.com
Now the CSR department focus is to spread this initiative to emlyon campuses abroad: in China, Morocco and India. For this, they called on the Maker's Factory and launched a makers'project. For several months, the CSR department, accompanied by Catou Faust, professor at emlyon and specialist in intercultural management, work with a group of 9 students on a makers'project in order to spread the SSV support system abroad.
*What is a makers' project? A makers' project allow students from the MSc in Management – Grande Ecole to get started with project management. They work in team of 3 to 6 students during at least 4 months and they manage from A to Z the project they choose among several categories (sports, entrepreneurship, CSR…).*
In this particular makers project, the students' mission was to develop a cross-cultural communication and training campaign customed to each country to spread the SSV support system by integrating local cultural codes.
The goal is to adapt the support system launched in France by taking into account the cultural and social particularities of the different countries. As a first step, the group developed a multilingual visual communication campaign to raise awareness and alert our community on SSV.