The Financial Times ranking of the best European Business Schools for 2022: as #12, emlyon achieves its objective to rank among the top 15 of the best Global Business Universities in Europe.
Published on 2022.12.06
On December 05th 2022, the Financial Times published its annual ranking of the best European Business Schools. emlyon moves up 7 places and ranks #12 of the best European business schools. A ranking emphasizing the successful achievement of the School's strategic plan “Confluences 2025”.
The FT EBS 2022 ranking, regroups 95 institutions in Europe, and aggregates the results of 5 program rankings published throughout the year: MBA (25%), Executive MBA (25%), Master in Management (25%), Executive Education (12.5% Open for inter-company programs + 12.5% Custom programs).
emlyon demonstrates improvements in every category:
- Master in Management – Grande Ecole Program: 09th worldwide (up 12 ranks) and 04th in France;
- Executive education programs: Custom 11th in Europe (up 6 ranks) and Open 27th in Europe;
- Executive MBA: 26th in Europe (up 8 ranks);
- MBA: 24th in Europe (up 2 ranks).
Becoming one of the first Global Business Universities in Europe, such is the ambition announced by emlyon in its strategic plan “Confluences 2025” in March 2021. The FT European Business Schools 2022 ranking acknowledges the quality of programs, professors, research and that of the institution as a whole. The School has achieved its 2025 objective.