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About emlyon business school:

Founded in 1872 by the Lyon Chamber of Commerce, emlyon business school has an enrollment of over 9,260 students of 130 nationalities across four campuses worldwide (Lyon, Shanghai, Paris, and Mumbai). The School relies on a Faculty of 170 internationally recognized professors and researchers, and a network of 222 global academic partners, to provide learning tracks of academic excellence open to the world. The school runs a community of 45,000 alumni spread over 130 countries. As a benefit corporation (société à mission) emlyon aims to “train and support informed leaders, throughout their lives, who are able to transform organizations efficiently for a fairer society and with greater solidarity and respect for the planet”. The School's pedagogy closely links action and reflection. Skill hybridization and social responsibility are also at the heart of its training programs, where the best of both socio-economic and academic worlds meet. The strategic plan, “Resonances 2028”, reaffirms the importance of the “maker spirit” that has been the DNA of emlyon since its creation. The plan is built around the five qualities expected of “makers”, emlyon students and alumni, to become entrepreneurs of change, namely: academic excellence; entrepreneurial spirit; engagement; hybrid knowledge; resonance with society.

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