Internships and apprenticeships: immersive experiences

Building a professional future in a company

Every initial training program, regardless of its duration or admission modality, includes a mandatory period of immersion in a company.

The Professional Experience department ensures that students in initial training manage the administrative aspects of their company immersion, whether through internships (during the academic program or a gap year) or apprenticeships. This department ensures compliance with regulatory frameworks to provide students with optimal conditions for their company experience. These regulations encompass labor laws and specific educational regulations for each program. Training periods and content must meet these requirements to allow students to undertake their company immersion.

internships agreements issued by the Career Center teams
apprentices in September 2024


Regardless of the student's initial training path, it includes a mandatory period of company immersion to fulfill the "Professional Experience" requirement for the diploma. Each year, the Career Center issues over 5,500 internship agreements for periods that span the entire year, with internship starts mainly at the beginning of January and July.

Internship agreements are created and signed online: students submit requests via Makersboard, emlyon's internal platform accessible to all students. The requests undergo an initial academic validation before moving to administrative validation. Once successfully completed, the agreement is digitally signed by all parties. It is crucial that the agreement is signed before the internship begins.

Les équipes expérience profesionnelle et CFA

View the internship calendar

Calendrier des stages en formation intiale

The internship concludes with the company completing a final evaluation, which is automatically sent one month before the end of the internship. The grade received from this evaluation is used to validate (or not) the professional experience requirement for the diploma.


The Internal Training Center (CFA) at emlyon manages all apprenticeship activities. Some training programs are accessible through apprenticeship contracts (exclusively). Currently, five programs are offered with apprenticeship options:

? The Master in Management and Global BBA courses take place on the emlyon business school campus in Lyon. Specialized Master courses are held on the Paris or Lyon campuses (subject to availability).

Apprenticeships for students

Students go through admission or eligibility phases, depending on the program, to ensure academic quality and the reliability of their professional project. Once these phases are successfully completed, students start searching for their companies with the support of the Career Support department and the CFA. In addition to personalized support from emlyon teams, numerous resources are available for students, such as e-learning courses and webinars. One key resource is an online course specifically created for them.

L'alternance pour les étudiants

Recruitment for companies

Simultaneously, the CFA is the primary entry point for employers looking to recruit apprentices. The CFA provides online tutorials to assist with this process and offers the Jobteaser portal for employers to post job offers independently.

More information on recruiting apprentices

Apprenticeship contracts

Once companies and students are matched, the CFA manages the apprenticeship contract and its execution throughout the academic year. This includes mandatory company monitoring, with a designated contact person assigned to each apprentice-mentor pair. This contact person supports the pair throughout the year, visiting the site at least once to ensure that all conditions for a successful apprenticeship are met.

Logo CFA d'emlyon

Since its inception in 2020, the emlyon CFA hosted 100 apprentices that year. By September 2024, 620 apprentices will begin their studies across the five apprenticeship programs, on the two French campuses (Paris and Lyon).

For students

More information about apprenticeship programs

Interested in applying for an apprenticeship program?

Questions about an existing or new internship agreement:

Questions about apprenticeship recruitment, ongoing or new contracts:

For companies

More information on recruiting an apprentice at emlyon

Interested in recruiting an intern or graduate, or participating in a school event to promote your employer brand?