International MBA Student Experience -- Introduction to LyonInternational MBA Student Experience -- Introduction to Lyon

International MBA Student Experience -- Introduction to Lyon

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the personal lives of our International MBA students? How they adapt to a new city, new language, new culture, and to each other? We want to give you a real look into their lives here in Lyon; how they’re living and studying in the 3rd largest city in France, and how they find being in a cohort with 19 different nationalities!

Meet our students!

a cohort with 19 different nationalities

“Hello! My name is Vipin, and I am from India. I have extensive professional experience in the Indian offshored-and-outsourced financial services and consulting industry where I’ve worked with various financial institutions (such as IBs, PEs, and VCs) and helped them throughout their investment life cycle.”

“I’m Yi and I come from Henan, China where I worked in Human Resources and administration services.”

“Hi, my name is Cristian and I come from Colombia (no Colubmbia—it is better if I clarify!) with a varied professional background of 12 years across different industries such as logistics, food and beverage, and pharmaceuticals.”

What has been your favorite parts of living in Lyon?

Vipin: It has been a mix of a few things. I really like and enjoy Lyonnaise food, and I have been to a lot of restaurants here, including French, Lebanese, Chinese, and Indian… every time I visit, I’m met with good food and taste. The cathedral and basilica offer an enriching experience to understand cultural aspects, and I don’t feel that I cannot communicate in French (given my limited French proficiency) since the culture is very people-oriented and welcoming. Moreover, I have had a few chances to enjoy the nightlife in the center of Lyon and I felt at home after visiting some of the bars!

Yi: My favorite part of Lyon is the bazaar in the old city center. The colorful, fresh fruit and vegetables, the bustling crowds, the kind and friendly elderly people, all allow me to experience the real local citizen life and French customs in a profound way.

Cristian: Lyon is known as the capital of gastronomy and I love this aspect as well as the beautiful views and cathedrals, among other things. The most beautiful place for me is Vieux Lyon, “Old Lyon.” There, you can find Terre Adélice’s, in my opinion one of the best ice cream shops in Lyon and (probably in France)! Eating ice cream while walking in Vieux Lyon on a sunny Sunday afternoon is a pleasure that costs less than 8 euros, but one that you will remember for life. I can also recommend some great restaurants if you’re interested!

Emlyon campus

What has been your favorite memory or experience thus far?

Vipin: Lyon has a lot to offer in terms of outings and has a balanced mix of social and cultural life. One of my favorite memories in Lyon is the Diwali celebration that we had with people from different nationalities; a great example of the cultural immersion we experience in the IMBA program. Not only did these classmates enjoy the festival with Indians, but they also equally participated to ensure that everything was properly arranged to have a celebrate the holiday! This included prayers, lightening diyas, and sharing native sweets and savories with everyone.

Yi: My favorite memory is about the bus. I need to take the bus to school almost every weekday and the bus drivers in Lyon are kind and friendly. Even when I forget my money and bus pass, they don't coldly refuse to let me on the bus, they still warmly let me take the bus, which is the epitome of French fraternity and love.

Cristian: For me, it was spent at home with fellow classmates that today I consider to be my friends. We gathered to bake ginger cookies, watch Christmas movies, and eat together. I will indeed have this memory for the rest of my life.

Thankfully, these three IMBA participants are having similar experiences to their fellow alumni—it’s hard to not fall in love with Lyon!

If you’re interested in learning more about the IMBA or about how to apply for our next September intake, contact the IMBA Recruitment Manager or check-out the program website!