emlyon business school's Executive Education is ranked 23rd in the world by the Financial Times, up 13 places since 2020. Participants - companies, executives, and managers - praise the programs for the achievement of their objectives, the acquisition of skills and the relevance of the teaching methods.
The Financial Times Ranks emlyon's Executive Education 23rd in the World
The Executive MBA of emlyon business school ranks #24 worldwide in the 2023 QS Executive MBA ranking, up 3 places since 2022. The program stands out for its participants’ profiles - in terms of position levels and managerial experience (#10 worldwide) - and the career opportunities it provides (#18).
As every year, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) – who analyses the global higher education market – has released its 2020 ranking of best Executive MBA programs. emlyon business school gains 4 places on a European level and becomes the 16th best program!
Meant for senior directors and managers, with at least a 7-year professional experience, the Executive MBA of emlyon business school, ranked #47 worldwide by the Financial Times, provides a whole range of learning experiences allowing to develop the relevant competences to be better equipped to lead and manage in an ever-changing world.
The QS rankings for Masters in Management (MiM) and Global MBA (iMBA), both a reference in Higher Education, were published on Wednesday September 23rd. TheGrande Ecole Program of emlyon business school rises to rank number 10 of the world’s best masters in management. A true international acknowledgement, highlighting the performance of the programs of emlyon business school, and reinforcing the school’s attractiveness and its international outreach.
This ranking system is based on the international reputation of the school (at national and global levels) and international deans’ vote !
It is with great anticipation and excitement that we announce emlyon business school’s new Executive Sport Summer School kicking-off July 2022.
emlyon’s Executive Education ranks 21st worldwide in the Financial Times 2022 Executive Education Ranking, moving up 15 places as compared to the previous ranking issued in 2020.
With its first session starting this week, “la toile’s” creation is part of the strategic priorities of emlyon, to develop the School’s openness and social responsibility. Its mission is to reduce social and cultural inequalities based on the development of professional competences, but also by contributing to the territory’s economic dynamics.