Associate Professor
Research topics
1. Brand practices for volunteer engagement
2. Transformations to ethical consumption
3. Environmental impact measures as choice architecture
4. Consumer vulnerability and climate change
Prizes and awards
Gruber, Verena, Deschênes, Jonathan. 2024. Managing Brand Relationship Plurality: Insights from the Non-profit Sector. Journal of Marketing, 88 (6) : 24-42 p.
Leonidou, Constantinos N., Gruber, Verena, Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. 2022. Consumers’ Environmental Sustainability Beliefs and Activism: A Cross-Cultural Examination. Journal of International Marketing, 30 (4) : 78-104 p.
Verlegh, Peeter W. J., Bernritter, Stefan F., Gruber, Verena, Schartman, Noud, Sotgiu, Francesca. 2021. “Don’t Worry, We Are Here for You”: Brands as External Source of Control during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Advertising, 50 (3) : 262-270 p.
Academic articles
Rinallo, Diego, Pizzetti, Marta, Gruber, Verena, Leite Farias, Miriam. 2024. Consumer Insight: Circularity, Sustainability, and Made in the Alps. Interreg Alpine Space programme, 84 p.
Rinallo, Diego, Pizzetti, Marta, Gruber, Verena, Leite Farias, Miriam. 2024. Communicating 'Made in the Alps'. Interreg Alpine Space programme, 60 p.
Rinallo, Diego, Walch, Elisabeth, Logar, Erik, Chiara, Francina, Šrimpf Vendramin, Katarina, Sekrnik, Kati, Begalli, Lise Aline, Demšar, Marija, Pizzetti, Marta, Kasper, Michael, Leite Farias, Miriam, Guillon, Pauline, Kolenc, Petra, Bajuk, Tatiana, Huzjan, Vanja, Gruber, Verena. 2024. Alpine textile heritage : an overview: Resources turned into waste? From the past to the future of wool, flax, and silk in the Alps. Interreg Alpine Space programme, 172 p.
Gruber, Verena, Rinallo, Diego, Pizzetti, Marta, Leite Farias, Miriam. 2024. Contre la « fast fashion », les productions locales doivent être plus et mieux soutenues. The Conversation: 4 p.
Gruber, Verena, Parmentier, Marie-Agnès. 2023. 10 years after the Rana Plaza collapse, fashion has yet to slow down. The Conversation: 3 p.
Press articles
Peer review and editorial committees
- Journal of Business Ethics – Editorial Review Board
- Journal of Business Research – Editorial Review Board
- Journal of International Marketing – Editorial Review Board
- Transformative Consumer Research
- Consumer Culture
- Sustainability
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Association of Consumer Research (ACR)
- Association française du Marketing
Conferences & Seminars
- 2019 Bicycle Sharing as Pro-Environmental Behavior: Evidence from the Field. La Londe Conference, La-Londe-les-Maures, France
- 2018 A Phenomenology of Ethical Consumption. 6th International Symposium on Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Nottingham, England
- 2017 When Legitimacy Becomes an Issue: The Perspective of Long-Term Volunteers on a New Volunteer Category. ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action) Conference, Washington, United States
- 2016 Values, Sustainability, Activism, and Quality of Life: A Multi-Country Perspective. AMA (American Marketing Association) Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, United States
- Insights from a Policy Delphi on the Future of the Sharing Economy. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Lake Buena Vista, United States
- 2014 In the Mood for Doing Good? How Affective States and Benefit Appeal Types Influence Consumers' Decision Making with Regards to Sustainable Products", Association of Consumer Research North American Conference, Baltimore, USA