Associate Professor

Research center : OCE

Doctorat en sciences de gestion

Accounting & Corporate Finance

Research topics

1. Social inequalities

Gender inequalities, precarity

2. Resistances

Resistances to inequalities, resistances to accounting tools, resisting through accountin

3. Financialization of public organizations

Armed forces, health organizations, arts

Prizes and awards

Best thesis award
Francophone Accounting Association
Best thesis award
Chancellery of Paris Universities
Junior Professor Award
French Foundation for Management Education


Communications & Seminars

  • “Beware of a Smiling Face”: How Interpretations of Anti-Sexist Corporate Policies Penalized Women in their household during the COVID Crisis, with YOUNES Dima
    -EGOS 2021, Online
    -GWO 2021, Online
  • “Promoting gender equality in corporate boards through quantification and for financial performance”, with CLAVIJO Nathalie
    -AFC 2022, Bordeaux
    -1ère conférence francophone sur la recherche en comptabilité critique et interprétative 2021, Online
  • 2017-2018 : Resistance in the name of discipline : maintaining command and control in the armed forces, co-écrit avec Jérémy Morales
    -ENROAC Conference, Naples, Italy
    -EIASM, Nice, France
    -Alternative accounts, Montréal, Canada
    -Masop, Copenhague, Danemark
  • 2013 : « Construction of management accountants' occupational identity in a context where financial performance is in search of legitimacy : the case of the French Armed Forces », co-écrit avec Benoît Gérard
    -EGOS conference, Montréal, Canada
    -EURAM conference, Istanbul, Turkey