Associate Professor

Research center : OCE

Doctorat en sciences de gestion

Accounting & Corporate Finance


Associate Professor at emlyon business school and member of the OCE Research Center: « Organizations: Critical and Ethnographic perspectives ». My research uses critical theory and qualitative methods to understand how individuals cope with, or resist to, financialization of organizations. I also investigate the role that accounting plays in gender inequalities, engaging with critical perspectives to more broadly question accounting's emancipatory potential. I teach cost accounting and management control, as well as qualitative research methodologies, at all levels - but especially in Executive programs - in French and English.

2006 - 2012: Ph.D. in Business Management (supervisor : Pr. Henri Bouquin), Paris-Dauphine University, Paris
  • 2005 - 2006: Master 2 "Research in Accounting, Management, and Audit", Paris-Dauphine University, Paris
2010 - Now: Associate Professor - emlyon business school, Lyon, France
  • 2014: Visiting academic - Manchester Business School, Manchester
  • 2012: Visiting academic - Imperial College, Londres