Catherine PARDO

Professor level 1

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Sciences de Gestion



My teaching and research activities mainly revolve around B2B marketing and more broadly the way organizations trade in goods and services, in particular key account management and the role of B2B distributors.
My goal as both a lecturer and researcher is to provide a frame of reference to better understand the mechanism of B2B value creation.
More recently, I have started researching into smart products in industry so as to better understand their impact in reshaping B2B dealings.

2006: Accreditation to supervise research in Management (HDR)
  • 2000: PhD in Management
  • 1994: Master degree (DEA) in Management
1991 - Now: Professor, emlyon business school, Lyon, France
  • 1989 - 1991: Research Assistant, then Research Manager - Institut de Recherche de l'Entreprise (ESC Lyon Group)