Associate Professor
Research topics
1. Consumer acculturation in global mobility
2. Value creation in digital service settings
3. Service relationships
Prizes and awards
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa, Masè, Stefania, Smith, Jamie. 2022. Commodifying love: value conflict in online dating. Journal of Marketing Management, 38 (1-2) : 98-126 p.
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa, Holmqvist, Jonas. 2021. Liquid, solid and in-between: service relationships in global mobility. Consumption Markets & Culture, 24 (6) : 575-595 p.
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa, Holmqvist, Jonas. 2021. Liquid, solid and in-between: service relationships in global mobility. Consumption Markets & Culture, 24 (6) : 575-595 p.
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2016. Consumption of financial services: Developing a conceptual framework. The Marketing Review, 16 (3) : 264-283 p.
Academic articles
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa, Masè, Stefania, Smith, Jamie. 2024. Artificial Intimacy: Understanding Consumer Relationships with AI Partners . Paris, France, September 26-29, 2024. Paris : Association for consumer research, 23 p. 23 p.
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Value Creation in Digital Mental Health Services. 13th, Nice, France, 4-5 July, 2024. Nice : IPAG Nice
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa, Masè, Stefania, Smith, Jamie. 2024. AI Lovers, Friends and Partners: Interpreting the emotional bonds between consumers and anthropomorphic chatbots . 13th, Bordeaux, France, June 5-8, 2024. Bordeaux : AMA, American Marketing Association
Arrivé, Sandra, Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Influencer Marketing: Understanding value creation and value destruction of an eco-system . 53rd, Bucharest, Romania, May 28th-31st, 2024. Bucharest : EMAC, European Marketing Academy
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa, Masè, Stefania, Smith, Jamie. 2020. Navigating the Marketplace of Love: Value Conflict in Online Dating Community . 48, Paris, France, October 1-4, 202051st, Paris, October 1-4, 2020. Association for consumer research, 537-540 p. 537-540 p.
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2015. Home Is Where the Money Is: Financial Consumption in Global Mobility . Volume 43, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1-4 October 2015. Duluth, MN : Association for consumer research, 393-398 p. 393-398 p.
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2025. Has Love Become a Marketplace?: When romance meets market logic. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2025. Can a Brand Be Your Friend?: Let's talk about consumer-brand relationships. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Consumption Detox: How to reset after the holiday shopping frenzy. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. The Power of Gifting: Gifts can shape relationships and create memories. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Why We Shop on Black Friday: There are reasons why it's hard to resist the holiday-shopping hype. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Comment exploiter la diversité culturelle de votre base de consommateurs. Harvard Business Review France
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Las raíces de la terapia de compras: Por qué compramos cuando estamos estresados. Psychology Today en español
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. The Roots of Retail Therapy: Why we shop when we're stressed = Why Some People Shop When They're Stressed. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. How Do Advertisers Win Us Over?: It's not what advertisers say, but how they say it. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Resisting Manipulation: Lessons From Political Marketing. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Por qué nos emocionamos en eventos deportivos. Psychology Today en español
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Why We Get Excited During Sporting Events. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Thriving During your Summer Abroad: Adapt to new cultures for a rewarding experience abroad. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa. 2024. Finding Love Online: Your psychological guide to digital dating. Psychology Today
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa, Smith, Jamie, Masè, Stefania. 2024. Applications de rencontres: Comment en faire bon usage. The Conversation
Minina Jeunemaître, Alisa, Smith, Jamie, Masè, Stefania. 2024. Dating apps: Marketing experts’ research reveals pitfalls to look out for, and tactics for success. The Conversation
Press articles
Consumer Research, Services Marketing, Acculturation, Globalization, Digital Service Markets, Qualitative Research Methods
- Association for Consumer Research
- Consumer Culture Theory Consortium
Communications & Séminaires
- Minina Jeunemaître, A. 2022. Digitalization of mental health services, presented at the research seminar on Future Consumption and Consumer Wellbeing, organized by the Centre for Retail Research at Lund university, Sweden, May 19.
- Masè S., Minina A., Smith J. 2021. How Digital Services Are Reshaping the Dating Practice: An Institutional Work Perspective on the Digital Dating Service Ecosystem, presented at the 7th Naples Forum on Service, September 6-8.
- Minina. A., Masè S., Smith J., 2020. Value Conflict in Online Dating Community, the paper presented at the 1st Virtual Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 1-3.
- Minina A., 2019. Learning to function in multiple cultural environments: a study of globally mobile consumers and their banks, presented at the Consumer Culture Theory conference in Montreal, Canada, 17-19 July.
- Minina A., Masé S., Smith J., 2019. Navigating the marketplace of love: the dark side of dating apps and the well-being of consumers from a Transformative Service Research perspective, presented at the 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management in Nice, France, 8-10 July.
- Minina A., 2018. Polygamous service relationships: a study of consumers and their banks, presented at the 9th International Research Meeting in Business and Management in Nice, France, 5-7 July.
- Minina, A., 2015. Home is Where the Money is: Financial Consumption in Global Mobility, presented at the 2015 North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research in New Orleans, USA, 1-4 October.
- Minina, A., Penaloza L., 2015. Service acculturation in the financial context, presented at the 2015 North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research in New Orleans, USA, 1-4 October.
- Minina, A., 2015. Service acculturation, presented at the CCT Nordic Junior workshop in Lund university, Sweden, 22-23 August.
- Minina, A., 2014. Service relationships in global mobility, presented at the first Nordic CCT PHD workshop in Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden, 24-25 April.
- Minina, A., 2014. Polygamous service relationships: a consumer perspective, presented at the 3rd PhD conference in Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden, 22 January.
- Minina, A. 2012. Financial consumption and cosmopolitan lifestyle, presented at the 7th Consumer Culture Theory conference at Said Business School, Oxford university in Oxford, UK, 16-19 August.