Full Professor level 1
Research center : OCE
Research topics
1. The question of meaning in work and organizations
Its materializations, its loss, its transmission
2. Ethics
Corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and social and societal implications of business from a practice perspective
3. Institutional theories of organizations
4. Sociological and critical approaches
5. The question of time in management science
6. Gender issues
Prizes and awards
Pérezts, Mar, Fotaki, Marianna, Shymko, Yuliya, Islam, Gazi. 2025. Breathe and let breathe: Breathing as a political model of organizing. Organization, 32 (1) : 136-153 p.
Pérezts, Mar, Mandalaki, Emmanouela. 2024. Unsilencing silence on business school sexism: A behind-the-scenes narration on regaining voice. Gender, Work & Organization, 31 (5) : 2138-2157 p.
Hernández Castro, Gea Z., Kervyn, Nicolas, Mandalaki, Emmanouela, Pérezts, Mar, Gómez Zúñiga, Rosa A., Rojas Pérez, Sheila G. 2024. “Dance Your Ph.D.” in VideoConfeDance: Developing a Blended-Method Dance Workshop for the Popularization of Science Through Choreography = « Dansez votre Ph. D. » en vidéoconférence : élaboration d’un atelier chorégraphique de vulgarisation scientifique en mode hybride. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 21 (1) : 25-36 p.
Mandalaki, Emmanouela, Pérezts, Mar. 2023. Abjection overruled! Time to dismantle sexist cyberbullying in academia. Organization, 30 (1) : 168-180 p.
Pérezts, Mar. 2022. Unlearning organized numbness through poetic synesthesia: A study in scarlet. Management Learning, 53 (4) : 652-674 p.
Mandalaki, Emmanouela, Pérezts, Mar. 2022. It takes two to tango: Theorizing inter-corporeality through nakedness and eros in researching and writing organizations. Organization, 29 (4) : 596-618 p.
Vicdan, Handan, Pérezts, Mar, Firat, A. Fuat. 2021. License to Heal: Understanding a Healthcare Platform Organization as a Multi-Level Surveillant Assemblage. M@n@gement, 24 (4) : 18-35 p.
Pérezts, Mar, Andersson, Lynne, Lindebaum, Dirk. 2021. Numbers and Organization Studies: Book Review Symposium. Organization Studies, 42 (8) : 1351-1356 p.
Pérezts, Mar. 2021. Three Walls. Gender, Work & Organization, 28 (S2) : 510-514 p.
Painter, Mollie, Pérezts, Mar, Deslandes, Ghislain. 2021. Understanding the human in stakeholder theory: a phenomenological approach to affect-based learning. Management Learning, 52 (2) : 203-223 p.
Pérezts, Mar, Drummond, Virginia. 2020. Incoming Divergence: When Global Workers from the South Problematize Mncs Business Norms in the North: The Case of Brazilian Jeitinho in France. Academy of Management Global Proceedings, Mexico (2020)
Bouilloud, Jean-Philippe, Pérezts, Mar, Viale, Thierry, Schaepelynck, Valentin. 2020. Beyond the Stable Image of Institutions: Using Institutional Analysis to Tackle Classic Questions in Institutional Theory. Organization Studies, 41 (2) : 153-174 p.
Pérezts, Mar, Russon, Jo-Anna, Painter, Mollie. 2020. This Time from Africa: Developing a Relational Approach to Values‐Driven Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 161 (4) : 731-748 p.
Acosta, Pilar, Pérezts, Mar. 2019. Unearthing Sedimentation Dynamics in Political CSR: The Case of Colombia. Journal of Business Ethics, 155 (2) : 425-444 p.
Andersson, Lynne, Lindebaum, Dirk, Pérezts, Mar. 2019. Book Review Symposium: Slavery In and Around Organizations. Organization Studies, 40 (1) : 135-138 p.
Lindebaum, Dirk, Pérezts, Mar, Andersson, Lynne. 2018. Why Books?. Organization Studies, 39 (1) : 135-141 p.
Pérezts, Mar. 2016. Lanceur d’alerte: quand l’éthique devient politique. Revue Banque, 802 bis : 48-51 p.
Pérezts, Mar, Picard, Sébastien. 2015. Compliance or Comfort Zone?: The Work of Embedded Ethics in Performing Regulation. Journal of Business Ethics, 131 (4) : 833-852 P.
Pérezts, Mar. 2015. Dirty Hands and Dirty Money: Insights on the construction and the fighting of financial pollution through compliance practices. Finance & the Common Good / Bien Commun, 42-43 : 58-75 P.
Pérezts, Mar, Faÿ, Eric, Picard, Sébastien. 2015. Ethics, embodied life and esprit de corps: an ethnographic study with anti-money laundering analysts. Organization, 22 (2) : 217-234 P.
Picard, Sébastien, Pérezts, Mar, Steyer, Véronique, Philippe, Xavier. 2013. Orchestrating complexity: a case study on the strategic impact of knotting action nets. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2013 (1) : 17008-17008 P.
Pérezts, Mar. 2011. Book Review: Corporate Social Strategy: Stakeholder Engagement and Competitive Advantage, Bryan W. Husted, David Bruce Allen. Cambridge University Press, New York (2011). European Management Journal, 29 (6) : 514-515 P.
Pérezts, Mar, Bouilloud, Jean-Philippe, Gaulejac, Vincent de. 2011. Serving two Masters: the contradictory organization as an ethical challenge for managerial responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 101 (1 suppl) : 33-44 P.
Academic articles
Vaujany, François-Xavier de, Aroles, Jeremy, Pérezts, Mar, Vaujany, François-Xavier de, Aroles, Jeremy, Pérezts, Mar. 2023. The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1 volume (760 p.)
Autier, Fabienne, Jacob, Marie-Rachel, Pérezts, Mar, Cristofari, Cécile. 2016. Human Resources or Human Beings ?. VLeBooks, 195 p.
Autier, Fabienne, Jacob, Marie-Rachel, Pérezts, Mar. 2016. Des ressources ou des hommes: l'antibible des RH, 2e ed.. Massy : Pearson, X-224 p.
Autier, Fabienne, Jacob, Marie-Rachel, Pérezts, Mar. 2016. Des ressources ou des hommes ?: l'antibible des RH. Montreuil : Pearson, 1 vol. (X-224 p.)
Pérezts, Mar. 2024. Je est un homme: Réflexions sur le français, l’indicible femme et la quête d’une écriture nue. In Aumais, Nancy, Dorion, Léa, Féminisme et management : état et enjeux de la recherche francophone. Québec : Presses de l'université Laval, 299-316 p.
Pérezts, Mar, Russon, Jo-Anna, Painter, Mollie. 2023. This Time from Africa: Developing a relational approach to values-driven leadership. In Painter, Mollie, Werhane, Patricia Hogue, Leadership, Gender and Organization. Cham : Springer, 167-196 p.
Bancou, Leo, Vaujany, François-Xavier de, Pérezts, Mar, Aroles, Jeremy. 2023. On the Way to Experience with the Phenomenological Venture of Management and Organization: A Literature Review. In Vaujany, François-Xavier de, Aroles, Jeremy, Pérezts, Mar, The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 237-276 p.
Vaujany, François-Xavier de, Aroles, Jeremy, Pérezts, Mar. 2023. Introduction: Phenomenologies and Organization Studies. The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1-24 p.
Pérezts, Mar. 2021. Getting Away with Murder: Unpacking Epistemic Mechanisms of Necropower and Disposability in North America. In Estévez, Ariadna, Necropower in North America: The Legal Spatialization Of Disposability And Lucrative Death. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 107-127 p.
Picard, Sébastien, Steyer, Véronique, Philippe, Xavier, Pérezts, Mar. 2017. Leading the war on epidemics: exploring corporations’ predatory modus operandi and their effects on institutional field dynamics. In Garsten, Christina, Sörbom, Adrienne, Power, Policy and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar
Pérezts, Mar. 2013. Ethics as Practice Embedded in Identity: Perspectives on Renewing with a Foundational Link. In Prastacos, Gregory P., Wang, Fuming, SODERQUIST, Klas Eric, Leadership through the Classics : Learning management and Leadership from Ancient East and West Philosophy. Springer, 93-107 P.
Book chapters
Pérezts, Mar. 2021. 'Penser notre temps' entre philosophie, éthique et organisation: De la quête de place au choix des marges. HDR ès Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris Dauphine. 161 p.
Pérezts, Mar. 2014. L' éthique comme pratique située: Etude multiniveaux sur l'éthique au travail dans la conformité bancaire. Thèse de Doctorat ès Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Ecole Doctorale de Management. 507 p.
Buchter, Lisa, Pérezts, Mar, Perray-Redslob, Ludivine, Younès, Dima. 2021. Confiné·e·s, mais déterminé·e·s à ne pas se taire: itinéraires de chercheurs et de chercheuses engagé·e·s pendant une pandémie. Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
Pérezts, Mar. 2021. Crayons ou claviers: le geste d’écriture change-t-il notre rapport au monde ?. The Conversation
Pérezts, Mar. 2020. From Mafalda with love: three lessons from the late Quino and his immortal creation. The Conversation
Pérezts, Mar, Deslandes, Ghislain. 2020. Ce que les manifestations publiques révèlent de notre rapport au monde en confinement. The Conversation
Pérezts, Mar, Simon, Thomas. 2017. Organisation collective : S'ennuyer en réunion: Bénédiction ou malédiction ?. Courrier Cadres, 111: 60-61 p.
Pérezts, Mar. 2017. Mère et manager: la lutte des places. Courrier Cadres
Pérezts, Mar. 2017. Une autre vision de Donald Trump: évaluons-le avec les critères d’un DRH. La Tribune
Pérezts, Mar. 2015. L' éthique, une question de sens dans la vie quotidienne des affaires. Le Figaro Etudiant: 2 P.
Pérezts, Mar. 2014. Déontologue de Marché: entre risques, conformité et confort. Finance Grandes Ecoles & Universités