Assistant Professor

Ph.D. in Sociology

Law, Management & Social Sciences


I hold a joint Ph.D in Sociology from the Center for the Sociology of Organizations (Science Po Paris) and Northwestern University (Chicago). My thesis explores how activists fighting workplace discrimination find practical solutions to the problems they experience first-hand: new recruitment practices, coaching, awareness-raising campaigns, managerial training and proposed improvements to current diversity policies to better fight discrimination. My latest research project concerns the development of collaborative housing solutions and cooperatives in response to social issues (isolation of the elderly, social diversity, inclusive housing, combating real-estate speculation and gentrification etc.).

2019: Ph.D. in Sociology. Dissertation title: "Politicizing diversity programs? the interventions of minority activists in the design of corporate diversity programs"
  • 2014: Master's degree in Sociology. Master's thesis title: "Corporate service provision as a repertoire of contention; The case study of a non-profit recruitment agency specialized in underprivileged areas", Degree granted cum laude
  • 2012: Double Bachelor's degree. Sorbonne, University Paris V (France), Social Sciences, cum laude. Sorbonne, University Paris I (France), Geography, cum laude
Professor assistant, emlyon business school, Lyon, France