Assistant Professor

Research center : Gestion de l’Ecole polytechnique (i3-CRG)

PhD in Management Sciences

Innovation & Entrepreneurship


I have been a Professor in Innovation Management at emlyon business school since 2016.
I specialize in the upstream phases of the innovation process (managing creativity, ideation and prototyping) and innovation methods (re)factoring people into the design and manufacturing stages (design thinking, social innovation etc.). In this connection, I am in charge of the Business Mediation double degree for Msc in Management - Grande Ecole engineering students.
I am also Vice President of the RGCS international research network and I am interested in the changing face of work in the digital/collaborative era.
I study synergies between space and organization in open and collective innovation environments such as co-working spaces, innovation labs and maker spaces!

2010 - 2015: PhD in Management Sciences, Ecole polytechnique, i3-CRG
  • 2013: Doctoral Visiting, HEC Montreal, Mosaic Research Center
  • 2002 - 2006: Master in ManagementGrande Ecole, ESCP Europe Business School
2016 - Now: Professor in Innovation Management at emlyon business school
  • 2015 - 2016: Post-doctoral contract Ecole polytechnique, Innovation Management Chair, Palaiseau
  • 2011 - 2014: Secretary of the i7 Institute for Innovation & Competitiveness, ESCP Europe, Paris