Assistant Professor

PhD. in Management Control and Healthcare Management

Accounting & Corporate Finance

Research topics

1. Ethical implications of measuring performance

2. Time and space in organizations

3. Public management

4. Healthcare organizations

5. Sociological and critical approaches



  • 2019 - 2020: Co-organizer of the second and third writing retreats of the « ParenThèse – Occitanie » Association
  • 2019 - 2020: President of the « ParenThèse – Occitanie » Association -
  1. Team Management
  2. Internal and External Communication
  3. Partnership
  4. Members Recruitment
  5. Accounting
  6. Activity Reports
  7. Fundraising (MUSE, FSDIE, CROUS)
  • 2017: Support for the Organization of the Conference « Leadership in Turbulent Times »
    International Leadership Association, Bruxelles
  • 2012 - 2014: Animation in the Scout association, Nanterre

Conferences and seminars


  • Moriniere, A., & Georgescu, I. (2021). Discursive analysis of budget use: reconsidering public interest in the case of French public hospital. In 13th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference (IPA). Online.
  • Moriniere, A., & Georgescu, I. (2019). Compromises in a Hybrid Organization: The Case of the French Public Hospitals. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 15069). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management (AOM). United States: Boston.
  • Morinière A, Georgescu, I. (2019). Accounting valuations, clash of orders of worth and arrangement: case of French public hospitals. In 42th Annual congress European Accounting Association (EAA). Cyprus: Paphos.


  • Moriniere, A., & Georgescu, I. (2022). Sur les formes subtiles de violence liées à la quantification : le cas des hôpitaux publics français. 43th congress of the French Accounting Association (AFC), Bordeaux.
  • Moriniere, A., & Georgescu, I. (2020). On the forms of subtle violence related with accounts' use: challenging the utopia of care within French public hospitals. Annual congress of the Association of Applied Healthcare Management Research (ARAMOS), online.
  • Moriniere, A., & Georgescu, I. (2020). Mesures de performance et échelles des valeurs à l'hôpital public. 41th congress of the French Accounting Association (AFC), online.
  • Moriniere, A., & Georgescu, I. (2019). Indicateurs de performance et compromis dans les hôpitaux publics français. 40th congress of the French Accounting Association (AFC), Paris.
  • Moriniere, A., & Georgescu, I. (2019). Indicateurs de performance et compétitivité : une coordination de l'action problématique à l'hôpital public. Annual congress of the Association of Applied Healthcare Management Research (ARAMOS), Rennes.
  • Moriniere, A., & Georgescu, I. (2018). Compromise in a hybrid organization: the case of French public hospitals. Ateliers doctoraux de la Chaire Recherche en Management en Santé de Montpellier Management, Montpellier.
  • Moriniere, A., & Georgescu, I. (2018). Spiritualité et performance à l'hôpital public. Annual congress of the Association of Applied Healthcare Management Research (ARAMOS), Grenoble.

Courses taught

  • 2022-2023: Assistant Professor - emlyon business school
  • 2021-2022:

Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant at Institute of Montpellier Management (192h)

Mentoring Students' Projects, 4 groups of second-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Accounting (48h), 4 groups of first-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Management Control (36h), 3 groups of second-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Management Control (60h), 5 groups of third-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Professional Environment Introduction (39h), 3 groups of third-year students in Marketing, Institute of Montpellier Management

  • 2020-2021:

Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant at Institute of Montpellier Management (192h)

Mentoring Students' Projects, 3 groups of second-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Accounting (60h), 5 groups of first-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Management Control (36h), 3 groups of second-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Management Control (48h), 4 groups of third-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Professional Environment Introduction (39h), 3 groups of third-year students in Marketing, Institute of Montpellier Management

  • 2019-2020:

Accounting (60h), 4 groups of first-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Mentoring Students' Projects, 2 groups of second-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management

Methodology of Research (20h), 20 groups of PhD students, La Ruche, Montpellier.

  • 2018-2019:

Professional Environment Introduction (39h), 3 groups of third-year students in Marketing, Institute of Montpellier Management

Accounting (30h), 2 groups of first-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Oral Evaluation of first-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

  • 2017-2018:

Accounting (30h), 2 groups of first-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.

Sociology of Organizations (30h), 2 groups of first-year students, Institute of Montpellier Management.