Professor level 1
Research topics
1. Venture capital and private equity finance
2. Venture valuation
3. Capital budgeting
4. Capital structure and financing choices of unlisted firms
Prizes and awards
Alperovych, Yan, Calcagno, Riccardo, Lentz, Martijn. 2024. Entrepreneurs on their financial literacy: Evidence from the Netherlands. Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 25 (4) : 377-400 p.
Quas, Anita, Alperovych, Yan, Le Pendeven, Benjamin. 2024. The role of personality traits in entrepreneurial finance. Venture Capital, 26 (2) : 101-107 p.
Alperovych, Yan, Divakaruni, Anantha, Manigart, Sophie. 2022. Lending when relationships are scarce: The role of information spread via bank networks. Journal of Corporate Finance, 73
Alperovych, Yan, Cumming, Douglas J., Czellar, Veronika, Groh, Alexander. 2021. M&A rumors about unlisted firms. Journal of Financial Economics, 142 (3) : 1324-1339 p.
Alperovych, Yan, Groh, Alexander, Quas, Anita. 2020. Bridging the equity gap for young innovative companies: The design of effective government venture capital fund programs. Research Policy, 49 (10)
Alperovych, Yan, Mouchette, Xavier. 2020. Industry Concentration and Venture Capital Flows around the World. Economics Bulletin, 40 (2) : 1216-1231 p.
Wright, Mike, Pruthi, Sarika, Amess, Kevin, Alperovych, Yan. 2019. Private Equity: Where We Have Been And The Road Ahead. Venture Capital, 21 (1) : 51-64 p.
Alperovych, Yan, Quas, Anita, Standaert, Thomas. 2018. Direct and indirect government venture capital investments in Europe. Economics Bulletin, 38 (2) : 1219-1230 p.
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges, Lobet, Fabrice. 2015. How does governmental versus private venture capital backing affect a firm's efficiency?: Evidence from Belgium. Journal of Business Venturing, 30 (4) : 508-525 P.
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges. 2013. Incremental impact of venture capital financing. Small Business Economics, 41 (3) : 651-666 p.
Alperovych, Yan, Amess, Kevin, Wright, Mike. 2013. Private equity firm experience and buyout vendor source: What is their impact on efficiency?. European Journal of Operational Research, 228 (3) : 601-611 P.
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges. 2011. Explaining returns on venture capital backed companies: Evidence from Belgium. Research in International Business and Finance, 25 (3) : 277-295 P.
Academic articles
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges, Lobet, Fabrice. 2013. Venture capital-backing and public investor: Belgian evidence . 11th, Liege, Belgium, September 19th, 2013. HEC Management School
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges, Lobet, Fabrice. 2010. VC-backed firm efficiency and public investor: Belgian evidence .
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges, Lobet, Fabrice. 2010. VC-Backed Firm Efficiency and Public Investor: Belgian Evidence .
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges. 2009. Explaining Returns on Venture Capital Backed Companies: Evidence from Belgium .
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges. 2009. Explaining returns on venture capital backed companies: evidence from Belgium .
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges. 2009. Explaining returns on venture capital backed companies: evidence from Belgium .
Alperovych, Yan. 2008. Explaining returns on venture capital backed companies: evidence from Belgium .
Alperovych, Yan, Hübner, Georges. 2008. Explaining returns on venture capital backed companies: evidence from Belgium .
Calcagno, Riccardo, Alperovych, Yan, Quas, Anita. 2019. Financial literacy and entrepreneurship. In Quas, Anita, Alperovych, Yan, Bellavitis, Cristiano, Paeleman, Ine, Kamuriwo, Dzidziso Samuel, New Frontiers in Entrepreneurial Finance Research. World Scientific Publishing
Alperovych, Yan, Bellavitis, Cristiano, Paeleman, Ine, Kamuriwo, Dzidziso Samuel, Quas, Anita. 2019. Introduction: Entrepreneurial Finance - From the 18th Century to Modern Times. In Quas, Anita, Alperovych, Yan, Bellavitis, Cristiano, Paeleman, Ine, Kamuriwo, Dzidziso Samuel, New Frontiers in Entrepreneurial Finance Research. World Scientific Publishing, 1-9 p.
Alperovych, Yan. 2018. The impact on productivity of management buyouts and private equity. In Wright, Mike, Amess, Kevin, Bacon, Nick, Siegel, Donald S., The Routledge Companion to Management Buyouts. Routledge, 17 p.
Alperovych, Yan, Calcagno, Riccardo, Geiler, Philipp. 2018. Corporate Governance and Fraud: Causes and Consequences. In Boubaker, Sabri, Cumming, Douglas J., Nguyen, Duc Khuong, Research Handbook of Finance and Sustainability. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 513-531 p.
Book chapters
Alperovych, Yan. 2023. Essays on Private Equity, M&A, and Fintech. Habilitation à diriger des recherches ès Sciences de gestion, Aix-Marseille Université. 146 p.
Alperovych, Yan. 2011. Essays on the efficiency and performance of venture capital and private equity. Thèse de doctorat ès Sciences économiques et de gestion, Université de Liège.
Communications & Seminars
- 2016: AFFI Spring International Conference, University of Liège, Belgium; Research seminar at Ben Gurion University of the Negev (scheduled), Beersheba, Israel; FMA Annual Meeting (scheduled), Las Vegas, US.
- 2015: Research seminar at HEC-ULg Management School, University of Liège, Belgium.
- 2014: Private Equity: Different Views - International Workshop, Université Paris Ouest, Nanterre la Défence, France.
- 2013: 11th Corporate Finance Day, University of Liège, Belgium; AFFI Spring International Conference, EMLYON Business School, France.
- 2012: BENELUX Corporate Finance Day, Vlerick Business School, Belgium.
- 2011: VICO Final Conference ”Entrepreneurial Finance: the real impact”, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
- 2010: BENELUX Corporate Finance Day 2010, University of Groningen, The Netherlands; Multinational Finance Society 17th Annual Meeting, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain.
- 2009: Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting, University of Queensland, Australia; European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Bocconi University, Italy; AFFI Spring Annual Meeting, University of Brest, France.
- 2008: Belgian Financial Research Forum, University of Ghent, Belgium; Scientific Seminar by Franz Palm and Sophie Manigart, University of Liège, Belgium.