Professor level 1
Research topics
1. Entrepreneurship
2. Decision making
3. Motivation, Cognition, Emotions
4. Social Change
5. Social Entrepreneurship
6. Human Development and Environment
Prizes and awards
Gabay-Mariani, Laëtita, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2024. Understanding Entrepreneurial Commitment: A Test of Side-Bet Theory. M@n@gement, 27 (4) : 37-57 p.
Loi, Michela, Castriotta, Manuel, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Di Guardo, Maria Chiara, Fayolle, Alain. 2024. Entrepreneurial intention studies: A hybrid bibliometric method to identify new directions for theory and research. European Management Review, 21 (3) : 581-604 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Smith, Brett. 2024. Specifying the role of religion in entrepreneurial action: A cognitive perspective. Small Business Economics, 62 (4) : 1315-1336 p.
Smith, Brett, Lawson, Amanda, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Jones, Jessica. 2023. Navigating the highs and lows of entrepreneurial identity threats to persist: The countervailing force of a relational identity with God. Journal of Business Venturing, 38 (4) : 21 p.
Foliard, Stéphane, Verzat, Caroline, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Toutain, Olivier. 2022. De la main invisible à la main dans la main: L’esprit d’entreprendre, questions de sens et de dialogues = From the invisible hand to hand in hand. The entrepreneurial mindset, questions of meaning and dialogue. Entreprendre & Innover, 52 (1) : 5-15 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Dantas, Danilo, Cajaiba-Santana, Giovany. 2020. Different Strategies for Different Fields? Exploration, Exploitation, Ambidexterity, and the Performance of Self-Employed Musicians. Journal of Small Business Management, 58 (6) : 1121-1154 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2020. Bienvenue en hyperespace (2): défis et opportunités pour les formateurs et accompagnateurs en entrepreneuriat à l’ère du numérique. Entreprendre & Innover, 47 : 26-38 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2020. Bienvenue en hyperespace (1): défis et opportunités pour la recherche en entrepreneuriat à l’ère du numérique. Entreprendre & Innover, 47 : 13-25 p.
Laffineur, Catherine, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain, Montmartin, Benjamin. 2020. The unshackled entrepreneur: Occupational determinants of entrepreneurial effort. Journal of Business Venturing, 35 (5)
Verzat, Caroline, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Foliard, Stéphane, Tavakoli, Mohsen. 2019. Editorial : Évolution de l’éducation entrepreneuriale: mythe ou réalité ? Quatre tendances à suivre…. Entreprendre & Innover, 42-43 : 5-11 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2019. Pour construire la résilience des écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux. Entreprendre & Innover, 2018/4 (39) : 10-19 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain, Smith, Brett. 2019. Biased and overconfident, unbiased but going for it: How framing and anchoring affect the decision to start a new venture. Journal of Business Venturing, 34 (3) : 528-557 p.
Laffineur, Catherine, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain, NZIALI, Emeran. 2017. Active labor market programs’ effects on entrepreneurship and unemployment. Small Business Economics, 49 (4) : 889–918 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Laffineur, Catherine, Fayolle, Alain. 2017. Public Funding for Business Start-Up Programmes, a Worthy Investment?. Entreprendre & Innover, 34 : 50-56 p.
Loi, Michela, Castriotta, Emanuele, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Di Guardo, Maria Chiara, Fayolle, Alain, Linan, Francisco. 2017. Modes of Thought in Entrepreneurial Intention Studies: A Collective Intelligence Perspective. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017 (1)
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Duquenne, Luc. 2016. Les dérives des systèmes d’accompagnement sur la prise de décision et de risque dans la création d’entreprise: réflexions pour la recherche et pour la pratique. Revue Internationale PME, 29 (3-4)
Bernard, Marie-Josée, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2016. Résilience et entrepreneuriat: une approche dynamique et biographique de l'acte d'entreprendre. M@n@gement, 19 (2) : 89-123
Marti, Ignasi, Courpasson, David, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2013. "Living in the Fishbowl": Generating an entrepreneurial culture in a local community in Argentina. Journal of Business Venturing, 28 (1) : 10-29 p.
Fayolle, Alain, MARINHO, DE OLIVEIRA Walter, VIDAL, BARBOSA Francisco, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2011. Perceptions culturelles et intention d'entreprendre: Une comparaison entre des étudiants brésiliens et français. Revue Internationale PME, 23 (2) : 9-41 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain. 2010. Revisiting Entrepreneurial Risk Taking: Combined Effects of Cognitive Heuristics. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2010 (1) : 1-6 P.
Kickul, Jill, Gundry, Lisa, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, SIMMS, Shalei. 2010. One style does not fit all: The role of cognitive style in entrepreneurship education. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 9 (1) : 36-57 P.
Wilson, Fiona, Kickul, Jill, Marlino, Deborah, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Griffiths, Mark D. 2009. An analysis of the role of gender and self-efficacy in developing female entrepreneurial interest and behavior. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 14 (2) : 105-119 p.
Kickul, Jill, Gundry, Lisa, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, WHITCANACK, Laney. 2009. Intuition Versus Analysis? Testing Differential Models of Cognitive Style on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and the New Venture Creation Process. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 33 (2) : 439-453 P.
Smith, Brett, BARR, Terry Feldman, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Kickul, Jill. 2008. Social entrepreneurship: A grounded learning approach to social value creation. Journal of enterprising culture, 16 (4) : 339-362 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Kickul, Jill, Smith, Brett. 2008. The road less intended: Integrating entrepreneurial cognition and risk in entrepreneurship education. Journal of enterprising culture, 16 (4) : 411-439 P.
Fayolle, Alain, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Kickul, Jill. 2008. Une nouvelle approche du risque en création d’entreprise. Revue Française de Gestion, 34 (185) : 141-159 P.
Kickul, Jill, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, IAKOVLEVA, Tatiana, Smith, Brett. 2008. Sailing Around the World: Cultural and Environmental Influences of Entrepreneurial Risk Perceptions of Sinking-the-Boat and Missing-the-Boat. Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 28 (18)
Kickul, Jill, Wilson, Fiona, Marlino, Deborah, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2008. Are misalignments of perceptions and self-efficacy causing gender gaps in entrepreneurial intentions among our nation’s teens?. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(2) : 321-335 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain. 2007. Where is the risk? Availability, anchoring, and framing effects on entrepreneurial risk taking. Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 27 (6) : 223-236 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Kickul, Jill, LIAO-TROTH, Matthew. 2007. Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Scale of Entrepreneurial Risk Perception. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2007 (1) : 1-6 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain. 2007. Prospecting for New Answers to Old Paradoxes in Entrepreneurial Risk Taking. Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 27 (6)
MURPHY, Patrick J., Kickul, Jill, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, TITUS, Lindsay. 2007. Expert Capital and Perceived Legitimacy: Female-Run Entrepreneurial Venture Signaling and Performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 8 (2) : 127-128 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, GERHARDT, Megan, Kickul, Jill. 2007. The Role of Cognitive Style and Risk Preference on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intentions. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 13 (4) : 86-104 P.
Academic articles
Borodin, Denis, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2024. Entrepreneurial resilience in the context of political repression: Evidence from Russian entrepreneurs . 40th, Milan, Italy, July 4-6, 2024. Milan : Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, 30 p. 30 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Radu-Lefebvre, Miruna, Le Pontois, Sandrine. 2024. Entrepreneurship as mythology: Enlarging the scope of cultural entrepreneurship research . 40th, Milan, Italy, July 4-6, 2024. Milan : Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, 11 p. 11 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Granados, Maria, Lacerda Fernandes, José Augusto, Sousa-Filho, José Milton. 2024. Are Passionate Social Entrepreneurs More Effectual And Effective?: The Effects Of Entrepreneurial Passion And Effectuation On The Progress And Impact Of Social Ventures . 44th, Munich, Germany, June 5-8, 2024. Munich : Babson College, 6 p. 6 p.
Sottini, Andrea Carlo Maria, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Smith, Brett, Lansana, Peter. 2024. “God rules but I can break the rules”: The contingent role of religious fatalism on micro-entrepreneurs’ ability to get out of poverty . 44th, Munich, Germany, June 5-8, 2024. Munich : Babson College, 6 p. 6 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Granados, Maria, Lacerda Fernandes, José Augusto, Sousa-Filho, José Milton, Okwute, Afiteju Flora. 2024. From Passion to Effectuation and Social Impact: A Study of the Trajectories of Social Ventures . 20th, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 19-20, 2024. Lausanne : IMD, 41 p. 41 p.
Granados, Maria, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Lacerda Fernandes, José Augusto, Sousa-Filho, José Milton. 2023. Are passionate students more effectual and effective?: The impact of social entrepreneurial education programmes on the development of social projects . 9th, Frankfurt, Germany, September 11-14, 2023. Frankfurt : EMES International Research Network, 3 p. 3 p.
Asgari, Omid, Weise, Alexander, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Martinez, Luis F. 2022. The Effect of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) on Consumer Ratings in the Digital Era. 3rd, Barcelona, Spain, June29th-30th, 2022. Barcelona : Springer, 267-273 p. 267-273 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Cajaiba-Santana, Giovany, Florencio de Macedo, Marina. 2014. Value Creation in Hybrid Social Enterprises: Organizational Configurations and Visibility of Value . 74th, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 1-5, 2014. AOM, Academy of Management
Witte, Frederik, Delmar, Frédéric, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2014. Occupations and Self-Employment Entry: A Multilevel Approach . 74th, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 1-5, 2014. AOM, Academy of Management
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2014. Measuring perceived risk: Development and validation of an entrepreneurship-specific scale . 34th, London, ON, CA, June 4-7, 2014. Ivey Business School
Shiraishi, Guilherme, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Cortez Campomar, Marcos. 2014. Organizational Structures for the Execution of Marketing Activities: A Case Study in Brazil . Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, April 9-12, 2014. BALAS, Business Association of Latin American Studies
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Cajaiba-Santana, Giovany. 2013. Organizational forms of social enterprises and their implications for value creation, circulation, and distribution. 10th, New York, NY, USA, November 6-8, 2013. Berkley Center Team
Farias, Carine, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Delmar, Frédéric. 2011. Do different motivations lead to different forms of entrepreneurship?: The impact of external, introjected, and autonomous motivation . 25th, Bödö, Norway, November 16-18, 2011. EIASM, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain. 2010. Revisiting Entrepreneurial Risk Taking: Combined Effects of Cognitive Heuristics . , 8 P. 8 P.
Martin de Holan, Pablo, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Courpasson, David. 2010. Creating a culture of critique: Emancipation and creative resistance around a civic organization in Argentina .
Martin de Holan, Pablo, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Courpasson, David. 2010. Creating a culture of critique: Powerlessness and emancipation around a civic organization in Argentina .
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, OLIVEIRA, Walter M., Fayolle, Alain, BARBOSA, Francisco V. 2008. Perceptions culturelles et intention d’entreprendre: une comparaison France-Brésil . , 16 P. 16 P.
Smith, Brett, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, KREINER, Glen. 2008. Organizational Emergence: A Mutual Decision-Making Process of Entrepreneurial Network Formation. Academy of Management
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, OLIVEIRA, Walter M., ANDREASSI, Tales, Shiraishi, Guilherme, PANWAR, Kavita. 2008. A multi-country study on the influence of national culture over the intention to start a new business. , 13 P. 13 P.
Kickul, Jill, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, IAKOVLEVA, Tatiana, Smith, Brett. 2008. Sailing Around the World: Cultural and Environmental Influences of Entrepreneurial Risk Perceptions of Sinking-the-Boat and Missing-the-Boat . Babson College
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Kickul, Jill, LIAO-TROTH, Matthew. 2007. Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Scale of Entrepreneurial Risk Perception. , 6 P. 6 P.
Kickul, Jill, Gundry, Lisa, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2007. One Style Does Not Fit All: The Role of Cognitive Style in Entrepreneurship Education .
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain. 2007. Where is the Risk? Availability, Anchoring, and Framing Effects on Entrepreneurial Risk Taking.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain. 2007. Prospecting for New Answers to Old Paradoxes in Entrepreneurial Risk Taking.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Kickul, Jill. 2007. Differing Pathways to Intentionality: The Role of Cognitive Style and Risk Propensity .
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain, Lassas-clerc, Narjisse. 2006. Assessing Risk Perception, Self-Efficacy, and Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Intentions: Implications for Entrepreneurship Education .
Duquenne, Luc, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2018. La prise de risque entrepreneurial et l’accompagnement: du danger des biais cognitifs. In Bérard, Céline, Teyssier, Christine, La gestion des risques dans les PME: Levier de développement et de création de valeur partenariale. Londres : Iste éditions
DE, FARIAS SHIRAISHI Guilherme, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2015. Strategy Formulation and Organizational Structure in SMEs: Taking Business Models beyond the Hands of the Founders. In CARMO, FARINHA Luis M., Ferreira, João J. M., Lawton Smith, Helen, BAGCHI-SEN, Sharmistha, Handbook of Research on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship. IGI Global, 658-669 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2014. Revisiting entrepreneurship research from a decision-making perspective. In Fayolle, Alain, Handbook of Research On Entrepreneurship: What We Know and What We Need to Know. Edward Elgar, 389-426 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Marti, Ignasi. 2009. L' entrepreneuriat social. In Coster, Michel, Entrepreneuriat. Pearson Education, 333-355 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2007. Dynamique de la création d'entreprise: la part du risque. In Fayolle, Alain, L'art d'entreprendre. Les Echos, 109-115 P.
Book chapters
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2018. Searching for freedom: A research agenda on the antecedents, consequences, and myths of entrepreneurship. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches ès Sciences de Gestion, Université Grenoble Alpes. 117 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2008. La perception du risque dans la décision de création d'entreprise. Thèse de doctorat ès Sciences de gestion, Université Pierre Mendès France - Grenoble 2. 274 p.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Fayolle, Alain, Laffineur, Catherine. 2017. Faut-il continuer de financer les programmes d’appui à la création d’entreprise ?. The Conversation France
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Bernard, Marie-Josée. 2016. Résilience et entrepreneuriat: lorsque les traumas mènent à la création d’entreprise. The Conversation - France
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2009. Le mythe de l'entrepreneur irrationnel. L'Expansion Entrepreneuriat, (2): 47-50 P.
Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2007. Dynamique de la création d’entreprise: la part du risque. Les Echos - L'art d'entreprendre