Professor level 1
Research topics
1. Ownership
2. Corporate Governance
3. Corporate Finance
4. IPO
5. Family Businesses
6. SME
Prizes and awards
Lyagoubi, Myriam. 2007. External CEO and Family Businesses : the Financial Consequences of the Separation of Control and Management.
Lyagoubi, Myriam. 2005. Ownership structure and firm financing: a comparative study of family firms .
Lyagoubi, Myriam. 2005. Firms and Financial Behaviour: How Family Shareholder's Preference Influence Firm Financing .
Lyagoubi, Myriam. 2005. IPO and Family Firms: the Determinants of Family Firms Stock Issuance .
Lyagoubi, Myriam. 2005. Ownership Structure and Financial Behavior: a Comparative Study of French Family Firms .
Lyagoubi, Myriam. 2003. Family Firms and Financial Behavior: How the Preference of Family Shareholders Influence Firm Financing .
Lyagoubi, Myriam, Mahérault, Loïc. 2002. Medium-Sized Family Businesses Financial Behaviours: An Empirical Study Over a Five Years Period of Quotation .
Lyagoubi, Myriam, Mahérault, Loïc. 2001. Medium-Sized Businesses Financial Behaviours: an Empirical Study Over a Five Years Period of Quotation .
Lyagoubi, Myriam, Mahérault, Loïc. 2001. Medium-Sized Family Businesses Financial Behaviours: an Empirical Study Over a Five Years Period of Quotation .
Lyagoubi, Myriam, Paliard, Rémy. 2001. Ownership and Capital Structures: Are Entrepreneurial Firms Expected to Behave Differently? And Do They Actually?: Some Empirical Results from Paired Samples of Managerial and Entrepreneurial French Firms .
COHEN, E., Lyagoubi, Myriam. 2000. Comportements de financement des entreprises patrimoniales et style de management.
Lyagoubi, Myriam. 2015. La Gouvernance familiale. Transmettre pour Grandir : Les dirigeants d’ETI patrimoniales face à la transmission. Bpifrance, 60-60 p.
Lyagoubi, Myriam. 2006. Family firms and financial behaviour: how family shareholder preferences influence firm's financing?. In Poutziouris, Panikkos, SMYRNIOS, Kosmas, KLEIN, Sabine, Handbook of Research on Family Business. Edward Elgar, 537-552 P.