emlyon business school : International and European business school / Faculty & Research / Faculté / Annuaire des professeurs / Kira CHOI
Assistant Professor
Research center : STORM
I am an Assistant Professor of Strategy and Organizations at emlyon business school. I research employee mobility, which has implications on firms' management of human capital and individual's career outcomes. My first stream of research explores various ways firms select, manage, and retain employees. In my second stream of research, I study individuals' job choices and associated outcomes, especially when they change employers or become entrepreneurs. I hold a PhD in Strategy and Entrepreneurship from London Business School. I have been awarded with a number of awards and grants for my research, such as Academy of Management Career Division Best Student Paper Award and Leadership Institute Research Grant from London Business School.
2021: Assistant Professor, emlyon business school
2021: Ph.D. in Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School, United Kingdom
- 2015: Master in Strategy and International Business, Seoul National University, South Korea
- 2012: Bachelor of Business Administration, Korea University, South Korea