emlyon business school : International and European business school / Faculty & Research / Faculté / Annuaire des professeurs / Imen BEN MOHAMED
Assistant Professor
Research topics
1. Decision-making under uncertainty
2. Network design
3. Distribution networks
4. Urban logistics
5. Omnichannel retailing
6. Green supply chain
Prices and awards
2nd Prize for the best PhD thesis in Logistics and Transport
Organized by GT2L working group and European working group on metaheuristics.
Excellence Scholarship
Awarded by Mediterranean Office of Youth (OMJ) to join the double degree program with ENSIIE
- Member of the French society in operational research and decision aid (ROADEF)
Communications & Seminars
- Imen Ben Mohamed, Walid Klibi, Ruslan Sadykov, Halil Şen and François Vanderbeck. Two‑echelon Stochastic Multi‑period Capacitated Location‑Routing Problem. 31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Greece, July 11‑14, 2021.
- Imen Ben Mohamed, Walid Klibi, Ruslan Sadykov, Halil Şen and François Vanderbeck. A Benders approach for the Two‑echelon Stochastic Multi‑period Capacitated Location‑Routing Problem. 20ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Le Havre, France, February 19‑21, 2019.
- Imen Ben Mohamed, Walid Klibi, Ruslan Sadykov, Halil Şen and François Vanderbeck. Stochastic two‑echelon location‑routing. 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Bordeaux, France, July 1‑6, 2018.
- Imen Ben Mohamed, Walid Klibi and François Vanderbeck. Multi‑stage stochastic two‑echelon distribution network design. 19ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Lorient, France, February 21‑23, 2018.
- Imen Ben Mohamed, Walid Klibi and François Vanderbeck. Modeling and solution approaches for the stochastic two‑echelon distribution network design problem. 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Quebec, Canada, July 17‑21, 2017.
- Imen Ben Mohamed, Walid Klibi and François Vanderbeck. Designing stochastic two‑echelon distribution networks. 18ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Metz, France, 22‑24 Février 2017.
- Imen Ben Mohamed, Walid Klibi and François Vanderbeck. Designing two‑echelon distribution network under demand uncertainty. Fifth meeting of the EURO Working group on Vehicle Routing an Logistics Optimization (VEROLOG), Nantes, France, June 6‑8, 2016.
- Imen Ben Mohamed, Walid Klibi, Olivier Labarthe, Jean‑Christophe Deschamps and Zied Babai. Efficient and sustainable routing of PI‑Containers in urban areas. The 2nd International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC), Paris, France, July 6‑8, 2015.