Haithem NAGATI
Associate Professor
Research topics
1. Supply Chain Management
2. CSR and Supply Chain
3. CSR and performance
4. CSR Reporting and performance
5. CSR and governance
Nekhili, Mehdi, Lajmi, Amira, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2023. Contribution of CSR assurance quality to the market valuation of voluntary standalone reports: An investigation of the French context = Contribution de la qualité de l’assurance RSE à l’évaluation par le marché des rapports volontaires portant sur la RSE : une investigation du contexte français. Management international, 26 (6) : 73-99 p.
Nekhili, Mehdi, Manita, Riadh, Javed, Fahim, Nagati, Haithem. 2023. Homophily versus monitoring: Do all female board directors drive the gender assignment of audit partners?. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 42 (1) : 24 p.
Nagati, Haithem, Nekhili, Mehdi, Radhouane, Ikram, Paché, Gilles. 2022. Gestion verte de la chaîne logistique: quelle réalité pour les entreprises familiales ? = Green supply chain management: What is the reality for family-owned companies?. Logistique & Management, 30 (4) : 197-212 p.
Nekhili, Mehdi, Javed, Fahim, Nagati, Haithem. 2022. Audit Partner Gender, Leadership and Ethics: The Case of Earnings Management. Journal of Business Ethics, 177 (2) : 233-260 p.
Nekhili, Mehdi, Bennouri, Moez, Nagati, Haithem. 2022. Do Board Gender Quotas Benefit Minority Shareholders?: An Illustration through Related-Party Transactions. British Journal of Management, 33 (2) : 724-752 p.
Nekhili, Mehdi, Boukadhaba, Amal, Nagati, Haithem, Chtioui, Tawhid. 2021. ESG performance and market value: the moderating role of employee board representation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32 (14) : 3061-3087 p.
Nekhili, Mehdi, Boukadhaba, Amal, Nagati, Haithem. 2021. The ESG-financial performance relationship: Does the type of employee board representation matter?. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 29 (2) : 134-161 p.
Lajmi, Amira, Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2020. Reporting volontaire en matière de responsabilité sociale: un effet contrasté de l’assurance RSE. Recherches en sciences de gestion, 137 : 339-368 p.
Boukadhaba, Amal, Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2020. Reporting RSE et valeur de marché de l’entreprise: le rôle modérateur de la représentation des salariés au conseil d’administration. Management & Avenir, 115 : 37-62 p.
Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2020. Is voluntary external assurance relevant for the valuation of environmental reporting by firms in environmentally sensitive industries?. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 11 (1) : 65-98 p.
Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2019. L’influence modératrice de la performance environnementale sur le lien entre communication RSE et performance boursière. Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, 14 (2) : 38-57 p.
Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2019. Rendre compte des engagements environnementaux aux clients: quels effets sur l’évaluation de la performance commerciale ?. Question(s) de Management, 26 : 89-108 p.
Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2018. Customer-related performance and the relevance of environmental reporting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 190 : 315-329 p.
Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2018. The impact of corporate environmental reporting on customer-related performance and market value. Management Decision, 56 (7) : 1630-1659 p.
Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia, Cheour, Mourad. 2018. Les effets des activités promotionnelles et du service logistique sur la satisfaction et l'engagement des détaillants. Décisions Marketing, 90 : 55-73 p.
Gull, Ammar Ali, Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Chtioui, Tawhid. 2018. Beyond gender diversity: How specific attributes of female directors affect earnings management. The British Accounting Review, 50 (3) : 255-274 p.
Bennouri, Moez, Chtioui, Tawhid, Nagati, Haithem, Nekhili, Mehdi. 2018. Female Board Directorship and Firm Performance: What Really Matters?. Journal of Banking and Finance, 88 : 267-291 p.
Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles, Wehrle, Frederick T. 2018. Impact of incomplete contracts on supply base reduction: The case of French public procurement. Question(s) de Management, 22 : 67-80 p.
Radhouane, Ikram, Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2017. Divulgation environnementale et performance financière des grandes entreprises française. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 287-288 : 89-98 p.
Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Chtioui, Tawhid, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2017. Corporate social responsibility disclosure and market value: Family versus nonfamily firms. Journal of Business Research, 77 : 41-52 p.
Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2017. The influence of integration strategies on manufacturers’ innovative capacity:: Evidence from an international survey. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 285-286 : 95-102 p.
Nekhili, Mehdi, Nagati, Haithem, Chtioui, Tawhid, Nekhili, Ali. 2017. Gender-diverse board and the relevance of voluntary CSR reporting. International Review of Financial Analysis, 50 : 81-100 p.
Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, Wehrle, Frederick T., Paché, Gilles. 2015. Proximité géographique et achat public : Une étude économétrique dans le contexte français. Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 109 : 165-186 p.
Makaoui, Naouel, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2015. Le statut de client privilégié: modèle conceptuel et essai de validation. Revue Française du Marketing, 251 : 59-76 p.
Makaoui, Naouel, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles. 2015. Proposition d’une échelle de mesure multidimensionnelle de l’engagement en contexte inter-organisationnel. Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, 33 (2) : 49-70 p.
Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, Paché, Gilles, Wehrle, Frederick T. 2015. How does performance history impact supplier selection in public sector?. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 115 (1) : 107-128 p.
Mamavi, Olivier, Nagati, Haithem, Wehrle, Frederick T., Paché, Gilles. 2014. Out of sight, out of mind? Supplier spatial proximity in French public procurement. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 27 (6) : 486-500 p.
Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2013. Improving operational performance through knowledge exchange with customers. Production Planning & Control, 24 (8-9) : 658-670 p.
Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2013. Supplier Development Efforts: the Supplier’s Point of View. Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (2) : 180-188 p.
Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2013. Fostering Innovation Through Customer Relationships. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 14 (3) : 16-29 p.
Nagati, Haithem, Rebolledo, Claudia. 2012. The role of relative absorptive capacity in improving suppliers' operational performance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 32 (5) : 611-630 p.
Academic articles
Nagati, Haithem, Valiorgue, Bertrand, Winston, Sébastien. 2025. Vers un grand déracinement des entreprises françaises cotées ?. Knowledge@emlyon
Nagati, Haithem, Valiorgue, Bertrand, Winston, Sébastien. 2024. « L’internationalisation de la gouvernance des grandes entreprises françaises contribue à leur faire prendre une trajectoire de déracinement ». Le Monde