emlyon business school joins the Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR CNRS) of the Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Économique (GATE) as co-supervisor, thereby illustrating the School's investment in top-tier research.

emlyon shall take on this mission aside the historical supervisors, the Universités Lumière Lyon 2 and Jean Monet Saint-Étienne, and the CNRS. The signature of the subscription declaration to the site convention marked the completion of the reconciliation process which had been initiated over the years between emlyon business school and the Unité Mixte de Recherche of the Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Économique. It took place in the presence of the Delegate Rector to higher education and research, Gabriele Fioni, of the presidents of the Universities Lyon 2 and Saint-Étienne, respectively Nathalie Dompnier and Florent Pigeon, of the Executive President and Dean of emlyon, Isabelle Huault, of the representative to the CNRS, Denis Duplat, and of the Director of the GATE, Izabela Jelovac.

emlyon becomes co-supervisor of the Unité Mixte de Recherche of the GATE

Illustration of the research development of emlyon business school in collaboration with public actors from various discipline fields

emlyon business school massively invests in research in economic science, with top-tier international researchers whose thematics converge with many focus lines of the Unité Mixte de Recherche of the Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Économique.

The reconciliation took place over the years, to grow stronger with time. That is how, during the Economy Days in Lyon, an event which attracts more than 20,000 visitors every year, the joint scientific initiatives of the Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Économique and of emlyon were particularly noticed, especially the round table on access to medicines in low-income countries.

The Management of the Unité Mixte de Recherche du Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Économique contacted the School to reinforce the institutional bond through a co-supervision. emlyon business school thus provides major human resources, notably its professor-researchers and the research budgets allotted to them, along with the funding of a research engineer recruited by the CNRS. The research commissions of both universities voted in favor of this subscription which was then approved by the CNRS authorities.

The Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Économique, one of Europe's reference laboratories, notably in experimental and behavioral economy.

Constituted in 1997, the Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique (GATE) merged with the Creuset of the Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR 5824) attached to the CNRS (INSHS), at the Université Lumière-Lyon 2 and the Université Jean Monnet-Saint-Étienne.

The GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne is positioned as a major actor in the science of collective and individual decision-making with a special consideration for the strategic, behavioral, institutional and spatial dimensions. It is characterized by its multi-disciplinary openness, and in particular to psychology, neurosciences, biology, political sciences and political philosophy.

The GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne has a strong national and international outreach built upon its domains of excellence focused on four research lines:

  • Game theory, collective choices and markets drawing on tools from theoretical and empirical microeconomics,
  • Behavioral economics, to study decision-making and social interactions under the Labex CORTEX,
  • Development, institutions, cities and regions to assess in particular, public policies in terms of employment, taxes, innovation, housing, environment and health under the Labex IMU,
  • Macroeconomics, finance and history around issues relative to monetary economics.

The Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Économique, a multi-partner test-platform

The GATE Lyon-Saint-Etienne is equipped on its Lyon-Ecully site, with a cutting-edge international platform, the GATE-LAB, allowing researchers to conduct studies on human behaviors in decision-making with a great variety of experimental protocols. It includes an experimental laboratory with 32 computers, an electro-physiological measuring room with 12 workstations (Skin Conductance Responses, BIOPAC), an eye-tracking room and a mobile laboratory allowing to carry out a whole range of experimentations in field and controlled environments.

The GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne develops numerous international research cooperations with over 60 foreign universities. Scientific partner of the Economy Days, it is also associated with the Laboratories of excellence CORTEX (Construction, Cognitive Function, Rehabilitation and Repair of the Cortex) and IMU (Urban World Intelligence - Intelligence des Mondes Urbains)

The Gate Lyon-Saint-Etienne has also developed many interactions with the socio-economic world. Several contracts were signed off in particular about fare evasion in public transport (with KEOLIS and KISIO), stress (with CORTEX valorisation and SATT Pulsalys), and about the Smart Electric Lyon project in collaboration with EDF on the electricity pricing systems, and the regional center against cancer the Centre Léon Bérard. In this unit, researchers work on programs analyzing the links between environment and cancer, and the assessment of the disease treatment costs.

Lastly, researchers of the laboratory are published in the best peer-review journals: American Economic Review, Economic Journal, Economic Theory, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Health Economics, International Journal of Game Theory, International Economic Review, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Public choice, Social Choice and Welfare, etc.

Isabelle Huault, Executive President and Dean of emlyon business school

Research is at the heart of the strategy of emlyon business school. Joining the Unité Mixte de Recherche of the GATE as co-supervisor is for us a decisive milestone, as it reflects the recognition of the excellence of our research, especially coming from the two historical universities, Lumière Lyon 2 and Jean Monet Saint-Étienne, as well as from the CNRS. I want to provide my deepest appreciation for their support in this process. Our subscription as co-supervisor to the UMR GATE is part of a strong-willed strategic ambition to collaborate with the public actors of higher education and research. This new step consecrates the continued commitment of emlyon business school in favor of scientific innovation and excellence.

About emlyon business school:

Founded in 1872 by the Lyon CCI, emlyon business school has an enrollment of 9,050 students of 125 nationalities over 6 campuses worldwide (Lyon-Ecully, Saint-Etienne, Shanghai, Paris, Bhubaneswar and Mumbai). emlyon draws on a Faculty of 166 international professors and researchers, and a network of 200 global academic partners, to provide learning tracks of excellence opened to the world. emlyon runs a community of 41,700 alumni spread out in 130 countries. As a Société à Mission since July 2021, emlyon's raison d'être consists in: “providing life-long training and support to meaningful individuals able to transform organizations, for a fairer society, with more solidarity and respect for the planet.” In its early makers pedagogy, action and reflection are closely intertwined. Skill hybridization and social responsibility are at the heart of its training programs, where the best of both socio-economic and academic worlds meet.

Presse contacts:

KBZ Corporate for emlyon:
Laurence Martin - lmartin@kbzcorporate.com - 06 47 69 85 99
Karine Zimeray - kzimeray@kbzcorporate.com - 06 09 15 65 14