Professor level 1
Research topics
1. Integration of new technologies in teaching
2. Digital work environments
3. Digital natives
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2019. CHAUZAL-LARGUIER Christelle et ROUQUETTE Sébastien (dir.). La solidarité, une affaire d’entreprise ? Une dynamique en émergence: Book review. Revue Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, 17
Academic articles
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2024. An Innovative Course Structure to Teach Excel to Business School Students. 23rd, Porto, Portugal, 24-25th October, 2024. Porto : Academic Conferences International, 36-42 p. 36-42 p.
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2024. Teaching Coding and Digital Competencies Beyond Universities' Programs. 36th, Virtual Conference, November 15-17, 2023. AMPS, Architecture, Media, Politics, Society, 8 p. 8 p.
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine, Guichard, Emilie. 2024. Empowering Through Education: La Toile and the Path to Re-Engagement . 35th, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, March 25-29, 2024. Waynesville, NC USA : AACE, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 10-15 p. 10-15 p.
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2023. Perception of Distance Learning by Students after the Covid-19 Period. 34th, New Orleans, LA, March 13, 2023. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, 184-187 p. 184-187 p.
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2022. Developing 21st century competencies: the rise of coding courses in Business Schools . 33rd, San Diego, CA, United States, April 11-15, 2022. Waynesville, NC : AACE, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2021. Teaching Coding in Covid Era. Online, United States, July 6-8, 2021. Waynesville : AACE, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 640-643 p. 640-643 p.
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2020. Evaluation of the interactions during a videoconferencing course. 31st, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 6-10, 2020. Waynesville, NC : AACE, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2022. Developing 21st century competencies: the rise of coding courses in Business Schools. In Langran, Elizabeth, Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Waynesville, NC. : AACE, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 580-583 p.
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2021. Teaching Coding in Covid Era. In Bastiaens, Theo J., Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning. Waynesville, USA : AACE, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 640-643 p.
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2020. Evaluation of the interactions during a videoconferencing course. In Schmidt-Crawford, Denise, Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Waynesville, NC : AACE, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 226-229 p.
Book chapters
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2025. Intelligence artificielle dans l’enseignement supérieur: avancées et pratiques. Knowledge@emlyon
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2024. Alan Turing : de l’ordinateur à l’IA, parcours d’un génie des maths. The Conversation: 2 p.
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2022. Informatique en classe: Le code est-il toujours au programme ?. The Conversation
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2022. Avec le "low code" ou le "no code" : aurons-nous encore besoin de développeurs informatiques ?. The Conversation France
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2021. Vos appareils électroniques sont-ils obsolètes de plus en plus rapidement ?. The Conversation
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2021. Le stockage des données à distance, gage de sécurité ou pari risqué?. The Conversation
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2020. Comment stocker des données à (très) long terme ?. The Conversation France
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2020. Le statut étudiant-entrepreneur, passeport pour la réussite. The Conversation France
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2020. La visioconférence, une bonne alternative aux cours en amphi ?. The Conversation France
Billouard-Fuentes, Delphine. 2018. Le statut d'étudiant-entrepreneur à l'épreuve des faits. The Conversation France
Press articles
Communications & Seminars
- Billouard-Fuentes, D. & Bouzidi, L., Integration of « Environnements Numériques de Travail » in French universities: constraint or deliberate choice ?World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, EDMedia 2012, Denver, Etats-Unis, juin 2012.
- Billouard, D., Emergence d'Intelligence Collective dans un Environnement Numérique de Travail.7ème colloque du chapitre français de l'ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization),Lyon, juin 2009.
- Billouard, D. & Bouzidi, L., Natifs ou Immigrants Digitaux : quel impact sur l'intégration des Environnements Numériques de Travail Universitaires ?Conférence TICEMED 2009, Milan, Italie, mai 2009.
- Billouard, D. & Bouzidi, L., Evolution of the Roles of the Actors in the Context of the Implementation of an "Environnement Numérique de Travail" in a University.7th European Conference on e-Learning.Agia Napa, CHYPRE, novembre 2008.
- Billouard, D. & Bouzidi, L., Integration of Virtual Learning Environnements: the Impact of Students' Trainings.World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (ELEARN) 2008. Las Vegas, ETATS-UNIS, novembre 2008.
- Billouard, D. & Bouzidi, L., “Environnement numérique de travail”: An Information Space in the service of the user.19th International SITE Conference.Las Vegas, ETATS-UNIS, mars 2008.