emlyon business school : International and European business school / Faculty & Research / Faculté / Annuaire des professeurs / Christophe HAAG
Christophe HAAG
Professor level 1
I am a Professor authorized to supervise research at emlyon business school and a Researcher in Social Psychology.
I conduct research into topics such as emotion, intuition and emotional intelligence which I explore in books for the general reader, research articles and talks. My motivation is always the same: to make scientific discoveries accessible for one and all and advocate a (more) humanistic ecology. I believe in teratology because you need to study the night if you want to understand the day. I take my observations of people with unusual experiences such as astronauts, treasure hunters, survivors etc. and transpose them into our everyday lives and the business world.
I am co-founder of Génération QE and co-author of the QEPro test.
2007: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Chair: Sinaceur, M.) - INSEAD
- 2007: Ph.D. in Management (Chair: Getz, I. & Laroche, H.) - ESCP-EAP European School of Management
- Doctorat ès Science de Gestion, Université Paris X Nanterre (Chair: Getz, I. & Laroche, H.)
2007 - Now: Associate Professor - emlyon business school, Lyon, France
- 2003 - 2007: PhD candidate - ESCP-EAP (now ESCP Europe), Paris, France