emlyon business school presents the members of its "Société à mission" steering committee
Published on 2022.03.25
emlyon business school has been a “Société à mission” since July 2021 and has now revealed the composition of its steering committee, as approved by the Supervisory Board on 8 February. The role of its members is to ensure the School fulfills its mission, as well as actively making proposals to help achieve its goals.
The steering committee is an independent body, responsible for monitoring implementation of the School's mission. Its role is also to provide insight to integrate the various points of view of the entire emlyon community. A diversity of profiles has been favored to help provide a broader education that opens the doors to a wide range of career paths.
It comprises representatives of the School's various stakeholders, namely academic experts, students, employee representatives, representatives of the social-economic world and civil society:
- Dominique Bourg, Philosopher, Honorary Professor at the University of Lausanne and co-founder of IDDRI (Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations), will bring his expertise on climate issues;
- Françoise Dany, Professor of Human Resources Management at emlyon, and leader of the project to define the School's mission, will represent the internal voice;
- Armand Hatchuel, Professor Emeritus at MinesParisTech and co-founder of the Community of “Sociétés à mission”, will share his vision of the standards against which the management of organizations should be measured;
- Daniel Karyotis, Executive Director of Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes, will represent companies and organizations;
- Bernard Laurent, Professor of Economics and member of the emlyon works committee will express the viewpoint of employees;
- Stéphane Leduc-Lombaerde, Vice-Chairman of the emlyon Student Association Corporation Council, will speak on behalf of students and future generations;
- Marie-Stéphane Maradeix, General Delegate of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, and member of the steering committee of the French Coalition of Climate Foundations, will be the spokesperson for civil society.
Bénédicte Bost, Director of Social and Environmental Commitment at emlyon, and now manager of the mission, will coordinate the management of the mission, in conjunction with the steering committee, the governance, and the internal and external stakeholders of emlyon.
The first meeting of the Steering Committee will be held in May. The members will familiarize themselves with the roadmap drawn up by emlyon, as well as the indicators proposed to assess whether the School is acting in accordance with the goals of the mission. They will also learn more about the organization emlyon has put in place to roll out its mission.
The mission and its objectives
The school's mission, now defined in its articles of incorporation, is "to provide lifelong training and support to enlightened people who effectively change organizations to build a society that is fairer, shows solidarity for others and respects the planet".
Defined by all of the school's stakeholders in a collaborative process, his purpose embodies emlyon's core beliefs:
- Efficiency must be combined with responsibility and humility;
- The company and the economy must also produce social and environmental justice;
- The changes to be made call for knowledge, awareness and boldness;
- It is necessary to act and lead differently for the common good.
As a “société à mission”, the school undertakes to pursue the following goals in its training, research and day-to-day operations:
- Nurture the spirit of enterprise with teaching grounded on experience and testing;
- Develop critical thinking and creativity through the pluralism and interconnection of different fields of knowledge;
- Hone students' skills so that they can meet social and environmental challenges;
- Enable students to build their individual employability.
- Promote academic freedom and develop pluralistic research;
- Play an active role in the global scientific conversation and in socioeconomic debates on value creation and social and environmental justice;
- Keep training programs current by incorporating newly-created knowledge.
Day-to-day operations
- Innovate in matters of inclusion and environmental protection;
- Deploy a management model that respects people and contributes to their development;
- Engage all of the school's stakeholders in an active community that shares emlyon's educational project.