In order to complete its executive team, emlyon business school is acquiring new skills to carry out its strategy, from Bachelor to Executive MBA programs. As of September 1st, Annabel-Mauve BONNEFOUS will join the school as Director of Degree Programs, and as a member of the Executive Board.

Doctor in management, organizational and decision-making sciences, Annabel-Mauve possesses the rare skill of being an expert in both initial training and continuing education, developed during her high-level career path with in several French “Grandes Écoles”.

Annabel-Mauve BONNEFOUS has taught leadership, corporate social responsibility and political intelligence of leaders in HEC Paris for 16 years. From 2010 to 2017, she was responsible for the development and the educational leadership of several tailor-made programs for executives and business leaders. With the help of her team, she also designed and delivered the Leadership program of HEC Paris' Executive MBA. In addition, she also worked as a coach of executives and management committees, and as a regular lecturer for Science Po Paris, during this period.
After being in charge of NEOMA's “People and Organizations” academic department, she then took over the management of the “Grande École” Program, the Masters of Science as well as the Specialized Masters for

Toulouse Business School's 5 campuses, in 2018.
Within two years, she carried out two major reforms: on the first hand, she created 27 Masters of Science, each based on the key skills of the teaching staff. On the other hand, she created the first certificate of Excellence in « Soft Skills », designed to meet the requirements of continuing education as well as initial training.

Well-known for her dedication to academic and pedagogical excellence, Annabel-Mauve is also recognized for her active commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility of organizations. Her research has focused on these subjects, as well as on intercultural cooperation and new sustainable models in Central Africa, Argentina and France. She has published two books, based on her research on leadership and the political intelligence of leaders: “Sharpen your political acumen in business” (“Aiguisez votre sens politique en entreprise”) (2015) and “Situational Intelligence” (“L'intelligence situationnelle”) (2017).

Annabel-Mauve BONNEFOUS

emlyon is an emblematic school, a school for the pioneers and the daring, and has always been ahead of its time. Contributing to the Early Makers spirit and taking it further is a great honour. It is the first school to have built a new development model, and we will strive to ensure that it becomes a model of success and reference, from which will emerge the new generation of managers our society and planet need

Isabelle HUAULT, President of the Executive Board

With in the Executive Board, and as Director of Degree Programs, Annabel-Mauve BONNEFOUS will promote initial training as well as lifelong learning for managers and future leaders, in the service of building a sustainable economy and a society based on solidarity. She will drive the development of educational innovations, based on experimentation and experience, personalisation and modularity of courses, in order to consolidate the school's 'Early Makers' strategy

TBWA\Corporate : Tiffany Allenet – – 06 08 16 14 07
emlyon business school : Julie Guillot – – 06 45 23 23 04

About emlyon business school :

Founded in 1872 by the Lyon CCI, emlyon business school has a yearly enrolment this year of 8,600 students from more than 110 countries and 6,000 participants in executive education programs. The school has five campuses around the world (Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Casablanca, Shanghai, Paris), a network of 190 international academic partners, and an active community of 32,000 alumni in 130 countries. emlyon business school'smission is to foster “makers”, as forward-thinking actors of the transformation who draw connections, create, think positive, take action, and share values as part of a collaborative approach. This notion of “makers” reflects emlyon business school's vision of entrepreneurs who try things, experiment, make mistakes, start over, and learn as they go. Students at emlyon business school develop these skills through next-generation teaching methods that combine top-notch academic research and dissemination with the creation of innovative learning pathways.