At the start of this new academic year, emlyon business school's faculty has been enhanced by the arrival of 19 new professors, representing 15 nationalities.

They will contribute to strengthening the academic excellence of the School, ranked second in France in the management category of the 2022 Shanghai ranking.

Consumer acculturation, sustainability, behavioral economics, the digital platform ecosystem, Artificial Intelligence-based decision making, the ethical implications of performance measurement... Their research work focuses on a wide range of resolutely contemporary issues. They embody emlyon's commitment to train its students to become responsible managers by providing them with the necessary points of reference and tools to understand and address current and future challenges.

Tessa Melkonian, Dean for Faculty and Research at emlyon

"The arrival of these 19 new professors confirms the development of our faculty in line with our ambition to make emlyon a genuine global business university. Their diverse disciplines and approaches will enable them to contribute to our fundamental objective of producing knowledge, sharing it, and disseminating it widely, in order to respond to the economic, social, digital, and ecological challenges organizations are facing today.”

Faculty & research
research centres
of research fellows have a Ph.D
are authorised to lead research

About emlyon business school

Founded in 1872 by the Lyon CCI, emlyon business school has an enrolment of 8,600 students of 121 nationalities. The school has six campuses around the world (Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Casablanca, Shanghai, Paris and Bhubaneswar), a network of 190 international academic partners and an active community of 33,000 alumni in 130 countries. emlyon business school's mission is to foster “makers”, to provide life-long training for leaders, managers, entrepreneurs and senior executives with solid international experience and intra/entrepreneurial abilities, who are capable of understanding the complexity of the world and give it meaning, as well as shaping and transforming companies and the society in which they operate, as part of a collaborative approach. emlyon business school provides opportunities to develop these skills through original learning methods that combine the creation and output of academic research of excellence and innovative learning paths based on action and experimentation.

Press contacts : emlyon business school :

Julie Guillot - - +33 6 45 23 23 04

KBZ Corporate for emlyon :

Laurence Martin - - +33 6 47 69 85 99
Karine Zimeray - - + 33 6 09 15 65 14