Yeming GONG
Professeur niveau 2 - Directeur du centre de recherche QUANT
Centre de recherche : Directeur du Business Intelligence Center (BIC)
Thèmes de recherche
1. L'intégration et la recherche d'interface entre la stratégie opérationnelle et les systèmes d'information.
Prix et récompenses
Chen, Yuerong, Xu, Xianhao, Zou, Bipan, de Koster, René, Gong, Yeming. 2025. Assigning parcel destinations to drop-off points in a congested robotic sorting system. Naval Research Logistics, 72 (2) : 220-241 p.
Chen, Wanying Amanda, Wu, Peng, Gong, Yeming, Wang, Zhengming, Wang, Kun. 2025. The role of energy consumption in robotic mobile fulfillment systems: Performance evaluation and operating policies with dynamic priority. Omega, 130 : 16 p.
Tan, Jing, Liu, Shan, Mao, Hongyi, Parkinson, Mary, Pagell, Mark, Gong, Yeming. 2024. How subsidiaries differ in IT-enabled supply chain integration: The role of multinational firms’ cultural and geographical distance. International Journal of Production Economics, 277 : 11 p.
Qin, Zhizhen, Yang, Peng, Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René. 2024. Performance Analysis of Multi-Tote Storage and Retrieval Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems. Transportation Science, 58 (5) : 1033-1055 p.
Chen, Qian, Gong, Yeming, Keil, Mark, Liu, Shan, Lu, Yaobin. 2024. Conceptualization and Measurement of Voice Interaction Usability: The Development of Cooperative Principle Theory for Smart Product Use. MIS Quarterly, 48 (3) : 1009-1046 p.
Chen, Qian, Gong, Yeming, Lu, Yaobin, Luo, Xin Robert. 2024. The golden zone of AI’s emotional expression in frontline chatbot service failures. Internet Research, FORTH : 39 p.
Wen, Yao, An, Qingxian, Gong, Yeming, Wu, Pengkun. 2024. Structural rearrangement of the network system from an efficiency perspective: A silver lining of profit improvement. European Journal of Operational Research, 316 (3) : 1001-1011 p.
Hong, Zhaofu, Li, Yingjie, Gong, Yeming, Chen, Wanying Amanda. 2024. A data-driven spatially-specific vaccine allocation framework for COVID-19. Annals of Operations Research, 339 (1-2) : 203-226 p.
Wang, Rong, Yang, Peng, Gong, Yeming, Chen, Cheng. 2024. Operational policies and performance analysis for overhead robotic compact warehousing systems with bin reshuffling. International Journal of Production Research, 62 (14) : 5236-5251 p.
Zhang, Huaige, He, Yimeng, Hu, Yuke, Gong, Yeming, Hong, Xianpei, Zhang, Li. 2024. Emergency production of medical products: partial decentralization vs. complete decentralization. Journal of Management Analytics, 11 (3) : 445-470 p.
Zou, Bipan, Wu, Siqing, Gong, Yeming, Yuan, Zhe, Shi, Yuqian. 2024. Delivery network design of a locker-drone delivery system. International Journal of Production Research, 62 (11) : 4097-4121 p.
Xue, Longfei, Gong, Yeming, Yang, Bingnan, Xu, Xianhao. 2024. Resilience, efficiency fluctuations, and regional heterogeneity in disaster: An empirical study on logistics. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 93 : 12 p.
Chen, Mingyang, Gong, Yeming. 2024. Sustaining and sharing: Optimal decisions in product-sharing platforms with green services. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75 (4) : 619-633 p.
Ren, Xinxin, Gong, Yeming, Rekik, Yacine, Xu, Xianhao. 2024. Anticipatory shipping versus emergency shipment: Data-driven optimal inventory models for online retailers. International Journal of Production Research, 62 (7) : 2548-2565 p.
Hong, Xianpei, Chen, Ying-Ju, Gong, Yeming, Wang, Hua, Wang, Hua. 2024. Farmers' green technology adoption: Implications from government subsidies and information sharing. Naval Research Logistics, 71 (2) : 286-317 p.
Yu, Zuge, Gong, Yeming. 2024. ChatGPT, AI-generated content, and engineering management. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 11 (1) : 159-166 p.
Chen, Qian, Gong, Yeming, Lu, Yaobin. 2024. User Experience of Digital Voice Assistant: Conceptualization and Measurement. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 31 (1) : 1-35 p.
Ma, Jifeng, Lu, Yaobin, Gong, Yeming, Li, Ran. 2024. Diversity in online self-organizing teams: Longitudinal evidence from an open innovation community. Management Decision, 62 (1) : 219-239 p.
Mao, Hongyi, Liu, Shan, Gong, Yeming. 2024. Balancing structural IT capabilities for organizational agility in digital transformation: A resource orchestration view. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 44 (1) : 315-344 p.
Chen, Wanying Amanda, Gong, Yeming, Chen, Qi, Wang, Hongwei. 2024. Does battery management matter?: Performance evaluation and operating policies in a self-climbing robotic warehouse. European Journal of Operational Research, 312 (1) : 164-181 p.
Zhao, Dan, Zhou, Menghuan, Gong, Yeming, Zhang, Huaige. 2024. Bilateral Models of Cross-Licensing for Smart Products. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71 : 58-75 p.
Chen, Qian, Yin, Changqin, Gong, Yeming. 2023. Would an AI chatbot persuade you: An empirical answer from the elaboration likelihood model. Information Technology and People, FORTH : 26 p.
Chen, Wanying Amanda, de Koster, René, Gong, Yeming. 2023. Warehouses without aisles: Layout design of a multi-deep rack climbing robotic system. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 179 : 19 p.
Chen, Qian, Wang, Yumeng, Gong, Yeming, Liu, Shan. 2023. Ripping off regular consumers?: The antecedents and consequences of consumers’ perceptions of e-commerce platforms’ digital power abuse. Journal of Business Research, 166 : 12 p.
Chen, Qian, Gong, Yeming, Lu, Yaobin, Chau, Patrick Y. K. 2023. How mindfulness decreases cyberloafing at work: a dual-system theory perspective. European Journal of Information Systems, 32 (5) : 841-857 p.
Hong, Xianpei, Pan, Liwei, Gong, Yeming, Chen, Qian. 2023. Robo-advisors and investment intention: A perspective of value-based adoption. Information & Management, 60 (6) : 14 p.
Huang, Yanting, Liang, Yuqing, Gong, Yeming, Yuan, Zhe. 2023. Role of trust-building in online recycling platforms. International Journal of Production Economics, 263 : 17 p.
Zou, Liuxin, Wu, Jiang, Gong, Yeming, Chen, Mingyang, Xia, Mengchen. 2023. Operations research on the sharing economy: A bibliometric analysis and literature review. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 59 : 16 p.
Xie, Chaohong, Chiang, Chung-Yean, Xu, Xianhao, Gong, Yeming. 2023. The impact of buy-online-and-return-in-store channel integration on online and offline behavioral intentions: The role of offline store. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 72 : 14 p.
Wen, Yao, Hu, Junhua, An, Qingxian, Gong, Yeming. 2023. Gain measurement and payoff allocation for the internal resource sharing based on DEA approach. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74 (4) : 1105-1117 p.
Hu, Peng, Gong, Yeming, Lu, Yaobin, Ding, Amy Wenxuan. 2023. Speaking vs. listening?: Balance conversation attributes of voice assistants for better voice marketing. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40 (1) : 109-127 p.
Wang, Lin, Wang, Sirui, Gong, Yeming, Peng, Lu. 2023. Optimizing a multi-echelon location-inventory problem with joint replenishment: A Lipschitz e-optimal approach using Lagrangian relaxation. Computers & Operations Research, 151 : 21 p.
Li, Lixu, Gong, Yeming, Wang, Zhiqiang, Liu, Shan. 2023. Big data and big disaster: a mechanism of supply chain risk management in global logistics industry. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43 (2) : 274-307 p.
Zhang, Huaige, Wang, Zongjun, Hong, Xianpei, Gong, Yeming, Zhong, Qin. 2022. Fuzzy closed-loop supply chain models with quality and marketing effort-dependent demand. Expert Systems with Applications, 207 : 15 p.
Zeng, Ximei, Zhou, Zhongbao, Gong, Yeming, Liu, Wenbin. 2022. A data envelopment analysis model integrated with portfolio theory for energy mix adjustment: Evidence in the power industry. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 83
Liu, Tian, Gong, Yeming, Zou, Bipan. 2022. Analysis of pickup/deposit stations and dwell point locations in bi-directional flow-rack AS/RSs. International Journal of Production Research, 60 (20) : 6248-6267 p.
Xu, Xianhao, Chen, Yuerong, Zou, Bipan, Gong, Yeming. 2022. Assignment of parcels to loading stations in robotic sorting systems. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 164 : 24 p.
He, Yimeng, Gong, Yeming, Hong, Xianpei. 2022. Demand information acquisition and disclosure in a non-instantaneous deteriorating items supply chain. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 169 : 11 p.
Chen, Qian, Gong, Yeming, Lu, Yaobin, Tang, Jing. 2022. Classifying and measuring the service quality of AI chatbot in frontline service. Journal of Business Research, 145 : 552-568 p.
Luo, Dan, Guan, Zailin, He, Cong, Gong, Yeming, Yue, Lei. 2022. Data-driven cloud simulation architecture for automated flexible production lines: application in real smart factories. International Journal of Production Research, 60 (12) : 3751-3773 p.
Liu, Jiawen, Gong, Yeming, Zhu, Joe, Titah, Ryad. 2022. Information technology and performance: Integrating data envelopment analysis and configurational approach. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 73 (6) : 1278-1293 p.
Bai, Qingguo, Xu, Jianteng, Gong, Yeming, Chauhan, Satyaveer S. 2022. Robust decisions for regulated sustainable manufacturing with partial demand information: Mandatory emission capacity versus emission tax. European Journal of Operational Research, 298 (3) : 874-893 p.
Xie, Chaohong, Xu, Xianhao, Gong, Yeming, Xiong, Jie. 2022. Big Data Analytics Capability and Business Alignment for Organizational Agility: A Fit Perspective. Journal of Global Information Management, 30 (1) : 27 p.
Hong, Zhaofu, Zhang, Hongyan, Gong, Yeming, Yu, Yugang. 2022. Towards a multi-party interaction framework: State-of-the-art review in sustainable operations management. International Journal of Production Research, 60 (8) : 2625-2661 p.
Chen, Wanying Amanda, Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René. 2022. Performance estimation of a passing-crane automated storage and retrieval system. International Journal of Production Research, 60 (4) : 1210-1230 p.
Chen, Mingyang, Zhao, Daozhi, Gong, Yeming, Rekik, Yacine. 2022. An on-demand service platform with self-scheduling capacity: Uniform versus multiplier-based pricing. International Journal of Production Economics, 243
Yin, Changqin, Huimin, Ma, Chen, Qian, Gong, Yeming, Shu, Xiaobin. 2021. Mobile Interactivity and Perceived Waiting Time: The Role of Cognitive Absorption and Perceived Procedural Justice. Journal of Global Information Management, 29 (6) : 20 p.
Xu, Shuang, Zhao, Yong, Gong, Yeming. 2021. Equivalence and revenue comparison among identical-item auctions. Journal of Economics, 134 (3) : 261-292 p.
Li, Dan, Li, Yanfeng, Gong, Yeming, Yang, Jiawei. 2021. Estimation of bank performance from multiple perspectives: An alternative solution to the deposit dilemma. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 56 (2-3) : 151-170 p.
Zou, Bipan, de Koster, René, Gong, Yeming, Xu, Xianhao, Shen, Guwen. 2021. Robotic Sorting Systems: Performance Estimation and Operating Policies Analysis. Transportation Science, 55 (6) : 1430-1455 p.
Hong, Xianpei, Zhou, Menghuan, Gong, Yeming. 2021. Dilemma of quality information disclosure in technology licensing. European Journal of Operational Research, 294 (2) : 543-557 p.
Gong, Yeming, Jin, Mingzhou, Yuan, Zhe. 2021. Robotic mobile fulfilment systems considering customer classes. International Journal of Production Research, 59 (16) : 5032-5049 p.
Liu, Shan, Tan, Jing, Mao, Hongyi, Gong, Yeming. 2021. Does national culture matter?: Understanding the impact of supply chain integration in multiple countries. Supply Chain Management, 26 (5) : 610-628 p.
Hu, Peng, Lu, Yaobin, Gong, Yeming. 2021. Dual humanness and trust in conversational AI: A person-centered approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 119
Zeng, Kuan, Xu, Xianhao, Gong, Yeming, Groh, Alexander. 2021. Joint inventory and rationing decisions in reward-based crowdfunding. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72 (6) : 1259-1278 p.
Chen, Qi, Wang, Zhengguo, Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René, Chen, Wanying Amanda. 2021. Performance evaluation of compact automated parking systems with mobile application and customer service priority. International Journal of Production Research, 59 (10) : 2926-2959 p.
Chen, Mingyang, Zhao, Daozhi, Gong, Yeming, Hong, Zhaofu. 2021. Reference-dependent preferences in the on-demand service newsvendor with self-scheduling capacity. International Journal of Production Economics, 234 : 16 p.
Xu, Xianhao, Shen, Yaohan, Chen, Wanying Amanda, Gong, Yeming, Wang, Hongwei. 2021. Data-driven decision and analytics of collection and delivery point location problems for online retailers. Omega, 100
Chen, Wanying Amanda, de Koster, René, Gong, Yeming. 2021. Performance evaluation of automated medicine delivery systems. Transportation Research. Part E, Logistics and Transportation Review, 147 : 22 p.
Ren, Xinxin, Cao, Jingjing, Xu, Xianhao, Gong, Yeming. 2021. A two-stage model for forecasting consumers' intention to purchase with e-coupons. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59 : 12 p.
Hong, Xianpei, Cao, Xinlu, Gong, Yeming, Chen, Wanying Amanda. 2021. Quality information acquisition and disclosure with green manufacturing in a closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 232 : 16 p.
Hu, Qian, Lu, Yaobin, Pan, Zhao, Gong, Yeming, Yang, Zhiling. 2021. Can AI artifacts influence human cognition?: The effects of artificial autonomy in intelligent personal assistants. International Journal of Information Management, 56 : 15 p.
Mao, Hongyi, Liu, Shan, Zhang, Jinlong, Zhang, Yajun, Gong, Yeming. 2021. Information technology competency and organizational agility: roles of absorptive capacity and information intensity. Information Technology & People, 34 (1) : 421-451 p.
Zhang, Huaige, Hong, Xianpei, Li, Qing, Gong, Yeming, Liu, Shan. 2021. Exploring the Intellectual Structure and International Cooperation in Information Management: A Bibliometric Overview Using 2-Tuple Linguistic Model. Journal of Global Information Management, 29 (6) : 20 p.
Ma, Peng, Gong, Yeming, Mirchandani, Prakash. 2020. Trade-in for remanufactured products: Pricing with double reference effects. International Journal of Production Economics, 230
Xu, Xianhao, Zhao, Xiaozhen, Zou, Bipan, Gong, Yeming, Wang, Hongwei. 2020. Travel time models for a three-dimensional compact AS/RS considering different I/O point policies. International Journal of Production Research, 58 (18) : 5432-5455 p.
Liu, Shan, Gao, Baojun, Gallivan, Michael, Gong, Yeming. 2020. Free add-on services and perceived value in competitive environments: Evidence from online hotel reviews. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 90
Chen, Qian, Lu, Yaobin, Gong, Yeming. 2020. Internal mechanism of brand app recommendation from the integrated cross-channel perspective: Evidence from the airline industry. Information Technology & People, 33 (4) : 1076-1097 p.
Wang, Qifei, Hong, Xianpei, Gong, Yeming, Chen, Wanying Amanda. 2020. Collusion or Not: The optimal choice of competing retailers in a closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 225 : 15 p.
Hong, Xianpei, Wang, Lan, Gong, Yeming, Chen, Wanying Amanda. 2020. What is the role of value-added service in a remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain?. International Journal of Production Research, 58 (11) : 3342-3361 p.
Gao, Peiran, Zhang, Jinlong, Gong, Yeming, Li, Haitao. 2020. Effects of technical IT capabilities on organizational agility: The moderating role of IT business spanning capability. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 120 (5) : 941-961 p.
Yang, Yongqing, Gong, Yeming, Pek Wee Land, Lesley, Chesney, Thomas. 2020. Understanding the effects of physical experience and information integration on consumer use of online to offline commerce. International Journal of Information Management, 51
Ma, Peng, Gong, Yeming, Jin, Mingzhou. 2019. Quality efforts in medical supply chains considering patient benefits. European Journal of Operational Research, 279 (3) : 795-807 p.
Gong, Zhanxue, Li, Zhanxue, Liu, Jiawen, Gong, Yeming. 2019. Machine learning in explaining nonprofit organizations’ participation: a driving factors analysis approach. Neural Computing and Applications, 31 (12) : 8267-8277 p.
Zhu, Li, Gong, Yeming, Xu, Yishui, Gu, Jun. 2019. Emergency Relief Routing Models for Injured Victims Considering Equity and Priority. Annals of Operations Research, 283 (1/2) : 1573-1606 p.
Zeng, Kuan, Gong, Yeming, Xu, Xianhao. 2019. Supply chain choice with financial constraints on the internet: Drop shipping vs. traditional channel. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 137 : 13 p.
Gong, Yeming, Liu, Jiawen, Zhu, Joe. 2019. When to increase firms’ sustainable operations for efficiency? A data envelopment analysis in the retailing industry. European Journal of Operational Research, 277 (3) : 1010-1026 p.
Chen, Qian, Lu, Yaobin, Gong, Yeming, Tang, Qing. 2019. Why do users resist service organization’s brand mobile apps?: The force of barriers versus cross-channel synergy. International Journal of Information Management, 47 : 274-282 p.
Gao, Peiran, Gong, Yeming, Zhang, Jinlong, Mao, Hongyi, Liu, Shan. 2019. The joint effects of IT resources and CEO support in IT assimilation: Evidence from large-sized enterprises. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 119 (6) : 1321-1338 p.
He, Cong, Guan, Zailin, Gong, Yeming, Wang, Chuangjian, Yue, Lei. 2019. Automated flexible transfer line design problem: Sequential and reconfigurable stages with parallel machining cells. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 52 part A : 157-171 p.
Zhao, Daozhi, Chen, Mingyang, Gong, Yeming. 2019. Strategic information sharing under revenue-sharing contract: Explicit vs. tacit collusion in retailers. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 131 : 99-114 p.
Liu, Jiawen, Zhang, Jinlong, Gong, Yeming. 2019. An integrated data analysis of configurations of supply chain integration. Cluster Computing, 22 (suppl 3) : 6393-6404 p.
Hong, Zhaofu, Wang, Hao, Gong, Yeming. 2019. Green product design considering functional-product reference. International Journal of Production Economics, 210 : 155-168 p.
Fan, Xiangxiang, Gong, Yeming, Xu, Xianhao, Zou, Bipan. 2019. Optimal decisions in reducing loss rate of returnable transport items. Journal of Cleaner Production, 214 : 1050-1060 p.
Wu, Guangmei, Xu, Xianhao, Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René, Zou, Bipan. 2019. Optimal Design and Planning for Compact Automated Parking Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 273 (3) : 948-967 p.
Bai, Qingguo, Gong, Yeming, Jin, Mingzhou, Xu, Xianhao. 2019. Effects of carbon emission reduction on supply chain coordination with vendor-managed deteriorating product inventory. International Journal of Production Economics, 208 : 83-99 p.
Liu, Jiawen, Gong, Yeming, Zhu, Joe, Zhang, Jinlong. 2018. A DEA-based approach for competitive environment analysis in global operations strategies. International Journal of Production Economics, 203 : 110-123 p.
Zou, Bipan, Xu, Xianhao, Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René. 2018. Evaluating battery charging and swapping strategies in a robotic mobile fulfillment system. European Journal of Operational Research, 267 (2) : 733-753 p.
Xu, Xianhao, Gong, Yeming, Fan, Xiangxiang, Shen, Guwen, Zou, Bipan. 2018. Travel-time model of dual-command cycles in a 3D compact AS/RS with lower mid-point I/O dwell point policy. International Journal of Production Research, 56 (4) : 1620-1640 p.
Shu, Xiaobin, Gong, Yeming, Xiong, Jie, Hu, Xin. 2018. Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention and Work Performance in Chinese Family Enterprises. Management International, 22 (2) : 84-95 p.
Liu, Tian, Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René. 2018. Travel time models for split-platform automated storage and retrieval systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 197 : 197-214 p.
Zou, Bipan, Gong, Yeming, Xu, Xianhao, Yuan, Zhe. 2017. Assignment rules in robotic mobile fulfilment systems for online retailers. International Journal of Production Research, 55 (20) : 6175-6192 p.
Yuan, Zhe, Xu, Haoxuan, Gong, Yeming, Chu, Chengbin, Zhang, Jinlong. 2017. Designing public storage warehouses with high demand for revenue maximisation. International Journal of Production Research, 55 (13) : 3686-3700 p.
Zhang, Xing, Liu, Shan, Chen, Xing, Gong, Yeming. 2017. Social capital, motivations, and knowledge sharing intention in health Q&A communities. Management Decision, 55 (7) : 1536-1557 p.
Wu, Xiang, Gong, Yeming, Xu, Haoxuan, Chu, Chengbin, Zhang, Jinlong. 2017. Dynamic Lot-Sizing Models with Pricing for New Products. European Journal of Operational Research, 260 (1) : 81-92 p.
Wu, Xianhua, Chen, Yufeng, Guo, Ji, Wang, Guizhi, Gong, Yeming. 2017. Spatial concentration, impact factors and prevention-control measures of PM2.5 pollution in China. Natural Hazards, 86 (1) : 393-410 p.
Yuan, Zhe, Gong, Yeming. 2017. Bot-In-Time Delivery for Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 64 (1) : 83-93 p.
Xu, Haoxuan, Gong, Yeming, Chu, Chengbin, Zhang, Jinlong. 2017. Dynamic Lot-Sizing Models for Retailers with Online Channels. International Journal of Production Economics, 183 Part A : 171-184 p.
Zou, Bipan, Xu, Xianhao, Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René. 2016. Modeling parallel movement of lifts and vehicles in tier-captive vehicle-based warehousing systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 254 (1) : 51-67 P.
Zhang, Xiandong, Gong, Yeming, Zhou, Shuyu, de Koster, René, Van de Velde, Steef. 2016. Increasing the Revenue of Self-Storage Warehouses by Optimizing Order Scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 252 (1) : 69-78 P.
Xu, Xianhao, Zou, Bipan, Shen, Guwen, Gong, Yeming. 2016. Travel-time models and fill-grade factor analysis for double-deep multi-aisle AS/RSs. International Journal of Production Research, 54 (14) : 4126-4144 P.
Yuan, Zhe, Gong, Yeming. 2016. Improving the Speed Delivery for Robotic Warehouses. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (12) : 1164–1168 p.
Zhou, Shuyu, Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René. 2016. Designing Self-Storage Warehouses with Customer Choice. International Journal of Production Research, 54 (10) : 3080-3104 P.
Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René, Frenk, Hans J. B. G., Gabor, Adriana F. 2013. Increasing the Revenue of Self-Storage Warehouses by Facility Design. Production and Operations Management, 22 (3) : 555-570 p.
Gong, Yeming, Yucesan, Enver. 2012. Stochastic optimization for transshipment problems with positive replenishment lead times. International Journal of Production Economics, 135 (1) : 61-72 p.
Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René. 2011. A review on stochastic models and analysis of warehouse operations. Logistics Research, 3 (4) : 191-205 p.
Chen, Chien-Ming, Gong, Yeming, de Koster, René, van Nunen, Jo A. E. E. 2010. A Flexible Evaluative Framework for Order Picking Systems. Production and Operations Management, 19 (1) : 70-82 p.
de Koster, René, Gong, Yeming. 2008. A polling-based dynamic order picking system for online retailers. IIE Transactions, 40 (11) : 1070-1082 p.
Articles académiques
Gong, Yeming. 2013. Global Operations Strategy: Fundamentals and Practice. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, XVI-320p.
Gong, Yeming, Schmidt, H. G. 2009. Stochastic Modelling and Analysis of Warehouse Operations= Stochastische modellering en analyse van magazijnoperaties. Erasmus University Rotterdam, XVIII-171p.
Huimin, Ma, Dai, Xin, Yin, Changqin, Wang, Ke, Huang, Han, Xu, Lu, Xiong, Jie, Zhang, Jinlong, Gong, Yeming. 2018. Transformation and Upgrade of the Optical Fiber Industry in China: Taking YOFC as an Example. In Brunet-Thornton, Richard, Martinez, Felipe, Analyzing the Impacts of Industry 4.0 in Modern Business Environments. Hershey, PA : IGI Global, 24-40 p.
Gong, Yeming, Xu, Haoxuan, Zhang, Jinlong. 2014. Clickstream Big Data and "Delivery before Order Making" Mode for Online Retailers. In Smith, Jeff, Ellis, Kimberly, de Koster, René, Lavender, Steve, Montreuil, Benoit, Ogle, Mike, Progress in Material Handling Research: 2014. MHI, 11 P.
Xu, Haoxuan, Gong, Yeming, Chu, Chengbin, Zhang, Jinlong. 2014. Inventory Replenishment Models with Advance Demand Information for Agricultural Online Retailers. In Huisman, Dennis, Louwerse, Ilse, Wagelmans, Albert P. M., Operations Research Proceedings 2013. Springer, 487-493 P.
Gong, Yeming, Winands, E. M. M., de Koster, René. 2010. A real-time picking and sorting system in e-commerce distribution centers. In Ellis, Kimberly, Gue, Kevin, de Koster, René, Meller, Russel, Montreuil, Benoit, Ogle, Mike, Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010. MHIA, Material Handling Industry of America, 161-174 P.