Associate Professor
Research center : Lifestyle
Research topics
1. Markets
How do markets emerge and evolve over time?
2. Taste and expertise
How do experts participate in market dynamics, taste shaping, and changes in consumers' aesthetic preferences?
3. Images
How to produce and analyze visual data to investigate production and consumption practices? How to translate words into images to create visual research outputs?
Prizes and awards
Pomiès, Anissa, Arsel, Zeynep. 2023. Market Work and the Formation of the Omnivorous Consumer Subject. Journal of Consumer Research, 50 (1) : 70-92 p.
Pomiès, Anissa, Blanchet, Vivien, Brummans, Boris H. J. M., Vézy, Camille. 2022. The Interpreters. M@n@gement, 25 (3) : 74-84 p.
Pomiès, Anissa. 2022. Enquêter sans opprimer ?: Une analyse réflexive des asymétries générées et amplifiées par l’enquête en milieu carcéral. Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, 17 (1) : 77-84 p.
Juge, Elodie, Pomiès, Anissa, Collin-Lachaud, Isabelle. 2022. Plateformes digitales et concurrence par la rapidité: Le cas des vêtements d’occasion. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 37 (1) : 37-60 p.
Pomiès, Anissa, Hennion, Antoine. 2021. Researching taste: an interview of Antoine Hennion. Consumption, Markets & Culture, 24 (1) : 118-123 p.
Pomiès, Anissa, Arsel, Zeynep, Bean, Jonathan. 2021. Taste. Consumption, Markets & Culture, 24 (1) : 1-5 p.
Academic articles
Pomiès, Anissa, Arsel, Zeynep. 2018. Performative Market Interactions and the Shaping of Taste Regimes. Odense, Denmark, 28 June - 1 July 2018. Odense : University of Southern Denmark
Pomiès, Anissa, Blanchet, Vivien. 2018. Unpacking market calculative spaces: the qualification of food products . Odense, Denmark, 28 June - 1 July 2018. Odense : University of Southern Denmark
Pomiès, Anissa. 2018. A Canon of Classics: Reimagining Undisciplined Paths (roundtable). Odense, Denmark, 28 June - 1 July 2018. Odense : University of Southern Denmark
Pomiès, Anissa, Arsel, Zeynep. 2018. How professional experts and lay consumers re-align taste practices. Lyon, France, April 25th, 2018. Ecully : emlyon business school
Pomiès, Anissa. 2018. A flat theorization of niche market emergence. Lyon, France, 11-13 April 2018. Ecully : Institut Paul Bocuse
Lonardoni, Françoise, Boutonnier, Thierry, Carole, Davy, Coltice, Nicolas, Dubos, Arnaud, Freud, Nicolas, Goutaland, Carine, Kopp, Jan, Lachaize, Félix, Lathuilière, Sylvianne, Le Luyer, Cécile, Loeve, Sacha, Marandin, Clarisse, Pillonnet, Anne, Pomiès, Anissa, Raymond, Olivier, Ramos-Canut, Stella, Sahli, Naël, Thaller, Fanny, Treppoz-Vielle, Alicia, Valois, Fabrice, Yvonnet, Bruno. 2020. macSUP, un écho de l'art comme expérience. In Dayre, Eric, Gauthier, David P., L'art de chercher : L'enseignement supérieur face à la recherche-création. Paris : Hermann
Pomiès, Anissa, Arsel, Zeynep. 2018. Retracing the History of the Concept of Taste. In Arsel, Zeynep, Bean, Jonathan, Taste, Consumption and Markets: An Interdisciplinary Volume. London : Routledge, 175-196 p.
Book chapters
Pomiès, Anissa, Arsel, Zeynep. 2022. Good coffee, bad coffee: The curious tastes of cultural omnivores. The Conversation
Pomiès, Anissa. 2021. Arts et sciences: comment se réinventer ensemble en période de pandémie ?. The Conversation
Juge, Elodie, Pomiès, Anissa, Collin-Lachaud, Isabelle. 2021. Vide-dressing en ligne: l’art de mettre les utilisateurs en concurrence pour les faire rester. The Conversation
Pomiès, Anissa. 2018. Le tissage est-il l'avenir de la recherche?. The Conversation France
Press articles
- Consumer Culture Theory
- Alcor Institute
- Association Française de Marketing (French Marketing Association)
Communications & Seminars
- 2018, Pomiès Anissa and Zeynep Arsel, Performative Market Interactions and the Shaping of Taste Regimes, CCT Conference, July, Odense. (competitive paper)
- 2018, Pomiès Anissa and Vivien Blanchet, Unpacking market calculative spaces: the qualification of food products, CCT Conference, July, Odense. (special session)
- 2018, Pomiès Anissa, Roundtable: A Canon of Classics: Reimagining Undisciplined Paths, CCT Conference, July 2018, Odense. (roundtable)
- 2018, Pomiès Anissa and Zeynep Arsel, How professional experts and lay consumers re-align taste practices, Taste Research Day, April 25, Lyon.
- 2018, Pomiès Anissa, A flat theorization of niche market emergence, Scientific Conference on Eating and Drinking, April, Institut Paul Bocuse, Lyon.
- 2018, Pomiès Anissa, Niche market emergence: a flat theorization, Invitation for a talk at Skema, Janvier 2018, Lille.
- 2017, Pomiès, Anissa “Painting as a method”, CCT Conference, July 9-12, Anheim, California, USA. (Special Session)
- 2017, Pomiès, Anissa, “Atlas: a visual method for flat ontologies”, Visualizing Research Day, Mai 10, Lyon, France.
- 2017, Pomiès, Anissa “The emergence of Hermesian markets”, Consumer and Consumption Symposium @ Yale, March 31, New Heaven, Connecticut, USA.
- 2016, Pomiès, Anissa “Behind the Scenes of Market Emergence”, Seminar at Schulich School of Business, December 15, Toronto, Canada.
- 2016, Pomiès, Anissa,“Methodological insights to study practices through visual data”, CCT Conference, July 6-9, Lille, France. (Competitive track)
- 2016, Pomiès, Anissa and Zeynep Arsel, “There is Disputing about Taste: Genealogy of a Contested Concept”, CCT Conference, July 6-9, Lille, France. (Special session)
- 2016, Pomiès, Anissa, “Comprendre la création des marchés par l'analyse de situations performatives. Une étude du marché descoffee shopsen France. ”, Conférence AFM, May 18-21, Lyon, France.
- 2015, Pomiès, Anissa, “The role of experts in taste creation and in market shaping”, Conférence AFM, May 20 – 22, Marrakech, Marocco.
- 2014, Pomiès, Anissa and Elisabeth Tissier-Desbordes, “The expertise situation as a taste regime. An ethnography of coffee contests”, Journées Normandes de Recherches sur la Consommation, November 27 – 28, Rouen, France.
- 2014, Pomiès, Anissa, Elisabeth Tissier-Desobrdes and Luca Visconti, “Serve Me the Perfect Coffee: Taste Regime as Relational and Embodied Practice”, CCT Conference, June 26 – 29, Helsinki, Finland. (competitive track)
- 2014, Pomiès, Anissa, “Expertise”, watercolor, 30X30cm, CCT Conference, June 26 – 29, Helsinki, Finland. (art gallery)
- 2013, Pomiès, Anissa, “The embeddedness of experts in the specialty coffee world”, CCT Conference, June 13 - 16, Tucson – Arizona, USA. (Colloque doctoral).
- 2013, Pomiès, Anissa, “How experts are produced and how do experts co-produce products? The case of coffee”, Conférence AFM, May 15 - 17, La Rochelle, France. (colloque doctoral)
- 2012, Pomiès, Anissa, “The expert, a figure of persuasion”, Journée d'étude sur les techniques du faire-croire (labex hastec), June 21 - 22, Paris, France.
- 2012, Pomiès, Anissa, “The production of experts and what experts produce”, EMAC, May 22 - 25, Lisbon, Portugal (colloque doctoral).